•Ashley's POV•
"T-thanks." I turned around and walked into the bathroom to shower. I shut the door and sighed. This was going to be a long shower. I stripped out of my dirty clothes and tossed them to the side. I didn't bother looking in the mirror, I already knew I looked like a mess.
I turned the shower on a waited for it to warm up. Once it did I stepped in, letting the warm watter relax my tense muscles. I washed my hair and my body and stepped out. I dried off and got dressed, and before stepping out, I quickly combed through my hair with my fingers.
I opened the door and saw sitting on his bed typing away on his phone. Texting? Twitter? Oh well, didn't really matter. He looked up from his phone when he heard the door open. He smirked.
"Come lay down." He smiled while patting the spot next to him on the bed. I carefully made my way over. I crawled on top of the bed and slowly laid down; making sure I was as far away from Harry as possible. I nuzzled into the blankets while Harry climbed under the covers. Just as I was about to get comfortable, Harry had other plans. He snaked his arms around my waste and pulled me close to his front.
"You know, you look awfuly good in my clothes." I couldn't help but to turn crimson red at his statement. I wiggled and tried to get free but he didn't budge.
"Now, now Ashley, you're not getting away from me." His hot breath tickled my neck, making my stomach do a flip. I stopped fighting him, I know that I'm destined to loose any battle I start with him. I nuzzle back into the blankets and start to get comfy. My eyelids are drooping and I'm almost asleep.
"You're mine Ashley, and mine only." Harry nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck and I soon drift off into a peaceful sleep.
I wake up only to be blinded my the sun. I wince in pain and rub my eyes, trying to re-adjust to the light. I try to get only to be held down by something. No, someone. I look to my right and I see Harry lying there asleep. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Not scary or demanding. I took a moment to study him.
His curls were flopped over his face and pillow, his soft pink lips were parted slightly and his long eye lashes rested peacefully over his cheeks. He look adorable. I gently tried to pull his arm off of me so I could get up but his grip only got tighter. I was pulled back into his chest.
"No, Ashley." Harry mumbled. I looked up as he was opening his eyes. I couldn't help but smile at how tired and groggy he was.
"What?" He asked, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
"N-nothing." I looked down at my hands, chipping away the old nail polish.
Harry hand came down to my face. He gently lifted my chin up to look at him.
"How about soem breakfast, love?" He asked while stroking my cheek. My skin tingled everywhere we made contact.
"S-sure." I started to get up but Harry stopped me. He turned me around so I was faceing him and before I could ask what he was doing he layed a soft gentle kiss on my lips. He then got up out of bed and walked out the door.
I stood there, stunned; unable to process what just happened. I slowly got up out of bed and walked over to the door. I poked my head out, only to see Harry was no where in sight. I stepped out of the master bedroom and lightly walked down the hallway, my feet lightly padding.
I peered around the corner and saw Harry standing at the stove. Silently, I walked over and stood next to him. He was making chocolate chip pancakes, my favorite.
"I figured I'd make your favorite." He smirked down at me and winked. My eyes went wide.
"H-how d-did you know t-they were m-my favorite?" I asked looking down at the pan.
"I'm good like that, baby." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.
"Go sit down love, I'll bring it to you." He said as he flicked his head over to the counter where there were stools. I did as I was told and went to sit on one of the stools. Harry came over in less than a minute with my pancakes and a glass of orange juice.
"T-thanks." I shyly smiled as I took the plate and the juice from him.
After breakfast Harry and I decided to relax and just watch movies for the day. Harry and I were still in our pj's cuddled up on the couch. A movie had just ended and the credits were slowly going up the screen. I sighed.
Out of no where Harry's fingers made their way down to my sides. He started tickling me. I got up and was about to run away, but Harry was too fast for me. He grabbed my arm and pulled back down onto the couch. He flipped over so her was straddling my waste. His fingers roamed my sides as I laughed uncontrolably.
"H-harry! S-stop p-p-please!" I giggled as I tried to smack his hands away from me. He brought his lips down to my ear.
"I don't think will." His hot breath sent a shiver down my spine. His hands picked up speed and he tickled me faster.
"H-harry p-please! I-I'll d-do a-anything!" I couldn't take it anymore; this was torture.
"Say 'Harry is amazing and I love him so much!'" He stopped and looked at me.
"Never." I breathed out. His fingers picked up speed once again; tickling me senseless.
"F-fine! Fine!" I said inbetween giggles. His fingers didn't stop.
"Harry is amazing and I love him so much!" I yelled out as best I could. His fingers stopped and he looked me in the eyes.
"Now was that so hard?" He asked as a smirk played at the corner of his lips.
"Very." I breathed out. He just chuckled and layed down next to me. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all, just protective over his loved ones. Wait, does this mean Harry loves me?
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You're Mine (Harry Styles FanFic)
Fanfiction"Hey there, beautiful." The mystery man whispered into my ear. His hot breath fanned my neck and sent shivers down my spine. I looked up shocked, only to find that Lizzie was no where is sight, and I was alone with this stranger. I mean, I had been...