chapter 27

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chapter 27

       Seeing as it's Friday, it's the last day I can ask my mom if I can spend the weekend at Zali's house. I've been putting it off for a few days because I'm worried she'll say no. I know it won't be a big deal since it's not like she'll be banning me from seeing Zali, but I would still like to spend the weekend with him.

       I'm almost done eating breakfast which mean I will have to head off to school, so it's best if I ask my mom right now. Otherwise, I'll just be thinking about asking her all day at school. "Hey, Mom?" I ask. "Would it be okay if I spend the weekend at Zali's?"

       "I'm pretty sure you do that anyway," Mom says. "You two are constantly at each other's house."

      "No, I know, but I meant spend the whole weekend there," I say. "Like sleepover there. There's no school Monday so you won't have to worry about us getting up and heading to school or anything."

       "Oh." Mom thinks for a bit. "Yeah, I'm sure that will be fine."

       "I should probably add that his parents will be out of town so it will just be us," I say, not wanting my mom to find out through someone else that Zali's parents won't be home. Otherwise, she probably won't let me spend the night at Zali's again, or at least for a while.

       Mom is silent for a few moments, probably deciding if I should really be allowed to spend the weekend at Zali's. Eventually, she says, "I think it will be okay. He just lives across the street anyway. You've been through a lot, so you deserve to just spend some time with your boyfriend."

       I smile. "Thank you."

       I finish eating breakfast before I clear off my plate. I grab my backpack, put my shoes on, and head out the door to go to school. I don't see Zali's car at his house, so I assume he already left for school. As soon as I get to school myself, I head to Zali's locker to see if he's there. He isn't, so I just go to my locker to grab my notebook. It's our final class for this semester, so I'm not sure if we're even going to be doing any note taking, especially since we already had our final exam yesterday.

       I don't know why we didn't just have it on the last day, but at least this mean we'll likely have a free class. I won't be surprised if a lot of people don't even show up. Maybe I could have slept in, but I always feel weird about skipping class if I'm not unwell.

       A takeout cup of coffee is suddenly placed in front of my face, so I turn around to see Zali holding it for me. He smiles. "Here, for you."

       I smile back and take the coffee before I give Zali a hug. "Thank you. Oh, and good news, I finally asked my mom if I can spend the weekend at your house and she said yes."

       "Awesome," Zali says. "I have a lot planned for us. Movie nights with a lot of snacks. Homemade pizza. Hot tub."

       "Sounds like a lot of fun," I say before I kiss Zali. I think it would be a great way to celebrate us making it through the first semester of our senior year. We both worked hard, so we deserve some sort of break.

       The bell soon rings, so we head to first period together. I was right with my assumption of a lot of people not even showing up. By the time the tardy bell rings, there's only nine of us in class. Unfortunately, two of them include Lyle and Daphne, but I've gotten used to seeing them everyday.

       I'm certain they still try to rub their relationship in Zali's face, but Zali doesn't seem to care about it anymore. He doesn't look at them and he doesn't even look annoyed. It's like they're just two strangers.

       Because not too many people are here and we already completed our exam yesterday, our teacher tells us we can use this period as free time, whether it be studying for any other tests we might have or talking to our friends. As long as we stay in the classroom and not be too loud, she doesn't care what we do.

       Zali gets up from his regular spot and sits beside mine since no one is sitting near me. "So I was thinking we go to the grocery store after school to pick up some snacks and drinks for our weekend together," he says. "I already have a few snacks at home but I want to get stuff you like too."

       "Yeah, sure," I say. 

       "Oh, also, before I forget to ask you," Zali says. "There's going to be a dance in two weeks. Would you like to go with me? You know, as my date?"

       I haven't been to any other school dances ever since the Halloween dance fiasco. It kind of soiled school dances for me, but going with Zali and spending the entire time with him will definitely create better memories. So, of course, I say, "I would love to."

       Zali looks at the teacher to make sure she isn't looking before he gives me a quick kiss. Unfortunately, someone else did witness it and wasn't too happy about it. "Can you two not do that in the middle of the classroom?" Lyle asks. "Thanks."

       "Sorry, I don't listen to cheaters," Zali says.

       "Oh my God, are you still mad about that?" Lyle asks. "It happened three months ago. Get over it."

       "I am over it. I just don't want you talking to me and telling me what to do, especially when you and Daphne are so PDA heavy, so mind your own business." Zali isn't wrong. Lyle and Daphne are the couple that are always all over each other in the middle of the school hallways. It's hypocritical for him to get annoyed at Zali for just giving me a simple peck.

       Lyle doesn't say anything else, thankfully. He just scoffs before turning his attention back to his cell phone.

       Zali leans towards me and whispers, "Just ignore him if he says something to you about us. He always wants what he can't have."


oh lyle will definitely want something he can't have...

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