Chapter 1 - The Discovery

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(Song for the chapter) Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex

Looking over my features with a mix of apprehension, the beach waves of my hair falling past my shoulders and my tanned skin glowing in the sunlight, I took in a breath and flicked my hazel eyes shut, counting slowly to 3. I fluttered my eyes open and accepted my fate, whether it were for the better or for the worse.

I headed towards the mahagony door and went down the steps of my quaint yet airy home. Tucking my loose chestnut waves behind my ears, I rushed to my bike. I hopped on without looking back, knowing that if I did, there was a chance I would end up back inside. It was quite literally now or never.

Within minutes, I was at John B's chateau awaiting the looks I feared I would receive. Drawing the bike to a halt, I stepped off and walked in the direction of the others turning to face them. John B and Sarah stood side by side with gentle yet comforting smiles on their faces. I gave them both a small smile back, feeling slightly more at ease almost settled. And then there were 3. Averting my glance away, I faced the rest of the group.

A tall blonde haired boy with striking blue eyes walked in my direction with his arms out for a hug. I sighed in relief, feeling the angst slowly evaporate from my body. "Hey, it's Gianna right?" the blonde asked. "Hey, yes it is." I replied, embracing myself in his warm hug. "Well it's nice to meet you and you know what I'm gonna call you?" I shrugged, wary of his response. "Gie, obviously." he chuckled. I laughed with him. "It's nice to meet you, JJ." I responded.

He smiled softly and moved next to John B, saluting me as he did so. I forced myself to hold back another smile. In a matter of moments, who I gathered was Pope came over to me to introduce himself. "Hi Gianna, it's lovely to finally meet you. I think you're gonna fit in perfectly with the rest of the crew." he exclaimed. A feeling of contentment washed over me as I reached in for a soft embrace. "Hi Pope, it's great to finally meet you too. I hope I can fit in too."

Once again, the space was made for the final member of the Pogues. Last but not least, Kiara. Who I gathered was the girl who had both JJ and Pope wrapped around her finger. Queen B. Don't judge a book by its cover, right? I prayed I was wrong for thinking the worst.

She slowly made her way towards me, her brown locks blowing in the breeze of the mellow afternoon sun with a look on her face I couldn't quite grasp. A feeling of uncertainty washed over me. As we stood face to face, that look I couldn't decipher came to light. Egotistical is what it was.

I went in for a hug, and she willingly reciprocated. As I went to step back, she pulled me back in again and said, " It's Gianna right. I'm pleased we have another girl around here. At least there's someone new for Pope to obsess over now." I gave her a weak smile, unsure of what to make of her comment. "I guess we'll see if he's even interested first, right?" I answered.

Erasing her snarky comment from my mind, I went to join the other Pouges. I felt Kie's footsteps moving behind me. I weaved in and in out of the conversation as the rest of the group discussed the heist plan of the Royal Merchant gold. I just couldn't get Kiara's comment out of my head. I came to the conclusion that later on, I would ask Sarah about it.

The sound of my name being called pulled me back to reality. "Gianna?" Gie?" John B waved his hands in front of my face, guiding me back to the group conversation. "Are you alright, Gie? You seemed like you were somewhere else for a second." my brother enquired. "Uh, yes, I'm okay." I nodded. "Right, as I was saying..." John B continued.

Half an hour later, the game plan discussion came to a close and the mission was set in stone. Ready to be played out. "Okay guys, so just to make sure we're meeting here at John B's before heading out?" JJ asked us. Laughter was let out from everyone as JJ stood there, taking it in. "Laugh now y'all, but when Ms Crain comes out with her wooden cane you'll see." Kiara laughed again placing an arm around JJ. God I don't have a good feeling about her, I thought to myself.

But who was I to judge? I just got here. I was the newbie. The black sheep. The outsider who stood out from the rest of a perfect puzzle of people. The Pogues. What if I didn't fit in? What if I never fit in? Dread engulfed me entirely, closing up my airways making it impossible to breathe. Memories of my suffocating past flashing in front of my eyes like in an inescapable nightmare.

Attempting to clear my thoughts, I felt an arm wrap around me. Warming my numb body, raising a heat within me reaching the pit of my stomach. I brought my gaze upwards to meet blue piercing eyes. Scanning my face, he pulled me in tight as I relaxed in his hold resting my head on his shoulder. A scent of earth and spice fogging my mind clear. JJ brushed my hair with his hands, calming my nerves instantly.

Looking up at him again, our eyes met. No words needed to be said. Both of us aware of what had happened, yet I didn't mind that it was him. That it was JJ who had comforted me as I tried to settle the heavy combination of anxiety, panic and fear. His touch had made me feel like myself again, releasing those nerves and hesitation in a matter of seconds.

Letting go of each other, I piped up. "Hey JJ, thank you for that." He nodded. "No problem Gie. Us Pogues gotta look out for each other always. We're family." Unable to hide the smile etched on my face, I waved goodbye wanting a moment on my own to process.

Taking in the scenery around me, the emerald of the grass with the navy shimmering waters lapping, I realised how surreal it was. Unimaginable. Indescribable. I was here in the OBX with my best friend Sarah, my older brother John B and people I knew I would soon get to know and call family. Call home. Something I always ached for. I couldn't be more grateful to be here. A new adventure was about to begin. I couldn't hide the excitement that rushed through my veins, coursing its way through my entire body.

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