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you better not be fucking around with magui i swear to god
if you are i want you to be completely honest and tell me now because this isn't a joke.
this isn't "nothing".
you are ruining the marriage you have with a woman we all love by doing whatever you're doing with magui and i am not going to just sit here and watch it happen
you have a child for fuck's sake!
get your shit together man
i think it's so fucked up how you can go from talking to ivy every single day, morning and night for hours and hours, building your relationship with her, creating memories, going on dates, watching movies, going on walks, meeting with family, lying in bed together, staying up late at night to text whenever one of you isnt home, kissing, wiping away her tears whenever youve argued and are both sorry. then you go back to laughing and loving each other. youre so happy with this person that you used to spend every day with. you're so close and are so attached that you would feel like the world was gonna end if one of you left the other and then one day she wakes up in the morning and youre not in the bed beside her because you're choosing magui over her and suddenly all the sleepless nights talking with each other and all the memories you made don't mean anything because all she can think about is whether or not you're being unfaithful
read 18:46

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