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Their cocoon of love had remained unshaken, a haven from the outside world that neither had ever thought to burst. Theo, ever vigilant and fiercely protective, had made significant changes to his life. Work, once a daily obsession, now took a backseat to his newfound priority—caring for his pregnant nebula, Luna.

Each morning began with a gentle kiss on her forehead as the first light of dawn peeked through the curtains. He had taken to preparing breakfast, a humble attempt to ensure that Luna started her day with nourishment. His culinary skills, though rudimentary at best, were crafted with a love that spoke volumes.

The manor, which once felt expansive and cold, now seemed to hum with a new warmth. Theo's once-impersonal office was now a sanctuary of soft cushions and calming hues, designed to make her rest as comfortable as possible. He had even placed a cozy armchair by the window, where she could watch the world outside while he handled the mundane chores that once fell to him alone.

Evenings were spent in quiet companionship. Theo would read to Luna from her favorite books or share stories from his day, his tone soothing as he described mundane office matters or the day's latest gossip. He had found solace in these moments, where the stresses of the world seemed to fade away.

Despite the constant reassurance he provided, Theo remained haunted by his fears. Each time she sighed or grimaced, his heart would race, wondering if she was in pain. He'd often check on her multiple times through the night, his touch tender and his eyes always searching for signs of discomfort. His protective instincts, while comforting, were sometimes overwhelming, but she appreciated his unwavering dedication.

In the rare moments when they were apart, his mind was consumed with thoughts of Luna. Work meetings were punctuated by quick, anxious glances at the clock, each tick a reminder of the time spent away from her. He had found a way to balance his responsibilities with his need to be near her, often surprising her with spontaneous visits and unexpected gifts.

One particularly quiet evening, as she rested her head on his shoulder, she looked up at him with a gaze full of affection. "You've done so much for me," she murmured, her voice soft with gratitude. "I don't know how I would have managed without you."

His eyes softened as he pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. "You are everything to me, my moonbeam," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I'd move mountains for you if I could. Seeing you happy and healthy is all I need."

Their love, enveloped in the cocoon of their shared world, remained a constant source of strength and joy. And while the outside world continued its relentless march, inside their haven, They found solace in the gentle rhythm of their life together, wrapped in the comfort of each other's embrace.


The manor was alive with a new energy, one that radiated from the presence of Pansy Parkinson. Ever since Luna's pregnancy had become more pronounced, Pansy had made it a point to visit regularly, her warm and often exuberant personality a welcome contrast to Theo's all-consuming protectiveness.

Pansy arrived like a whirlwind, her arms laden with gifts for the unborn child. Each visit brought a new assortment of baby clothes, toys, and trinkets, each item carefully chosen with the kind of affection only a soon-to-be godmother could muster. Her excitement was contagious, and her presence brought a light-heartedness to the manor that had been missing during Theo's intense period of care.

"Look at this!" she would exclaim, presenting a tiny knitted sweater or a set of rattles with the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas morning. "I found this at a little shop in Diagon Alley. I just couldn't resist!"

Luna's eyes would light up at the sight of each new gift, her gratitude evident in her bright smile. "You really don't have to do all this, Pansy," she'd say, though her voice was always touched with warmth. "But it's so kind of you."

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