V | Betrayal

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     "I'm Elysande, but you can call me Elys."
     "If it wasn't for her, I'd still be on the back of that creepy guy's horse." Soni shivered, scrunching her nose in disgust.
     "Oh, I see." Wynn smiled and glanced at Lyrael. "Thank you, then. For saving us and Soni."
     That's when Lyrael remembered Tsarra was supposed to explain what Lyrael was exactly, but it sort of got clarified by what she overheard when she returned to camp, which she did not quite believe. Surely, they must smell the Elven children on me, or the Elves from the village.
The group fell into silence and Soni suddenly gasped, grabbing her bag. She pulled out a small muslin pouch and waved it toward Wynn. "I completely forgot I have some ossa roots. It'll help you heal faster."
     Wynn smiled in relief and murmured a thank you, watching as she poured some water into the cup and stuffed the pouch into the water. She closed the lid and stuffed it into the coals near the edge of the fire to steep.
     Tsarra caught their attention. "The only logical direction is toward Allsgorath, as going through the city is the only way to cross the river. It seems like the direction Elys is heading, anyway." She glanced around the small area they were tucked into. "Plus, we don't really have the equipment to sleep out here, it's way too cold."
     "I think we should continue toward Allsgorath, as that seems to be the way Elys is heading, anyway. It's the only logical direction, as going through the city is the only way to cross the river. I'd rather sleep in an inn than out here in the cold." Tsarra explained, looking between all of them and then at Lyrael, her fingers playing with the small braid in her curly orange hair. "Plus, we don't really have the equipment to sleep out here. At least, we don't."
     Lyrael grimaced but hid her expression. Originally, she had intended to follow Anwel's trail even throughout the night, with minimal eating or rest, if at all.
     Wynn finally noticed the squirrels on the makeshift spit on the campfire in front of them. "Who caught the squirrels? I know both of you don't really know how to skin an animal." Wynn remarked with a smirk, and Lyrael just raised her hand briefly.
     "Uh... I did. I skinned and gutted them."
     "Whoa, really, who raised you?"
     "If I may ask, why are you tracking a halfy?" Tsarra piped up as Lyrael checked the squirrels again. After she decided the squirrels were cooked thoroughly, she began passing out chunks of meat. Lyrael wasn't sure how to answer her question.
     "What do you mean?" Wynn asked, confused considering he was unconscious when they met.
     "When we crossed paths, she was following a scent trail. A halfy, based on the smell."
     Lyrael tilted her head to the side. "What's a halfy?" It wasn't a term she was familiar with.
     Soni laughed from her spot beside Wynn as she threw a chunk of meat into her mouth. "I'm sorry, but how do you not know what a halfy is? It's a Half Elf. Which usually means they are half Elven and half human." She explained, like it was common knowledge. "Whoever you're tracking... they're a halfy."
     Lyrael frowned and furrowed her brows at her claim.
     "I didn't even know they existed." Lyrael whispered. "I didn't know they were possible."
     Tsarra nodded. "They do, but they're rare and they mostly live close to the Border, but they're around. They stay away from big cities, as most people don't approve of them." Tsarra explained after she swallowed a bite of squirrel meat. "Do you really not know what you are?"
     Lyrael removed the bow hooked over her shoulder, lying it on the ground. "No, at this point in time, I don't know what I am. Twenty-four hours ago, I used to have black hair and blue eyes... and tan skin. I didn't have pointed ears or gold eyes and I used to live on the other side of the Border, with humans."
     Wynn frowned and hummed, sounding intrigued. "It sounds like someone put a glamour on you. There's no way you're human, you're an Elf, through and through."
     "You're a High Elf." Tsarra murmured as she stared into the fire, flames dancing in her orange eyes. "High Elves have abilities, like the one you have. In order to be a High Elf, you must have at least one High Elf parent and the other has to be a Low Elf. Low Elves don't have special abilities besides common magic, which is just basic levitation and enhanced senses, strength, speed, agility, and healing speed. Most High Elves have one main power type, like you do." Tsarra nodded and motioned back the way they came from. "Which is, I assume, illusion magic, based on what you did back there?"
     Lyrael simply nodded, refraining from mentioning her other three abilities. "So, I'm a High Elf?"
      Wynn nodded, "Yes, you are."
     Lyrael thought about it for a moment and everything slid into place. Anger and betrayal washed over her, and she didn't glamour the tears from her eyes like she usually would. If Papa is a Half Elf, that means he lied to me my entire life, feeding me lies Elves were dangerous, vicious monsters. But yet, Papa himself was one. Why? Why did he lie to me? Why keep the truth from me? Why was I glamoured?
She had dozens of questions and no matter where Anwel's trail took her, she would have them answered.
     One way or another.

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