11. My work experience

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(inside the car)
I was sitting in the passenger seat while putting my hands on the seat.

He kept bags in the behind seat of the car and came inside the car. I didn't dare to look at him at all. He sat on his driving seat and closed the door.

My breath stopped! Because he came closer to me again! Moving his hand near my waist, turns out he was fastening the seat belt.

"Breath babe" he said with a smirk while messing my hair softly

He started driving car while i fixed my hair which he messed and he smirked at my action.

"Focus on driving" I said as he was constantly staring at me

"I can focus on multiple things babe" he teasingly said to me
Ofcourse! He must have multiple girlfriends, he would have experience in double triple I don't know how many timings he does or is doing right now. Is he married? I feel pity for his wife if he is married. Theres indeed beautiful rings he wore in his fingers, i wonder which one among them is his wedding ring.. is it all of them?? I don't think so, it's not legal in our country but who knows maybe it would be legal for him

We came towards busy road, i tried to lean more against the seat so that nobody from outside can see me. I don't know why I always feels like getting caught whenever I am with him.

He played a song on the radio ~

Baby, I'm yours, yours, yours
Baby, I'm yours, yours, yours

I know that you love me
Darling, you don't have to say it
You know you can trust me
It's okay, it's complicated

Nervous, trip over my words
You're so pretty, it hurts

Baby, I'm yours, baby, I'm yours
Baby, I'm yours
I need something more,
I'll pray to the Lord
That baby, I'm yours

"What's your favourite food to eat" he broke my attention from the song and asked

"Nothing" i replied

Edward: Favourite colour?

Amelia: maybe all

Edward: favourite place?

Amelia: didn't thought of it

Edward: hobby?

Amelia: nothing

Edward: coffee or soft drinks?

Amelia: water

Edward: so will you continue to make me angry?

I didn't replied to it

I need something more,
I'll pray to the Lord
That baby, I'm yours
We're gettin' closer, inches away--

I turned off the radio, his expression asked me why I did that

"I hate songs" i replied... Lied..
and leaned more against the seat

"Nobody from outside can see inside" he said to me. Hearing that I adjusted my sitting posture

"Do you feel ashamed to be with me?" He asked me

Is it something to be proud to feel when you know that you are with a person who have bought you in exchange of money and behave like it's normal??

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