Chapter:2 stealing the show

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Wes and David had done their organizing well, in the meticulous fashion they had first perfected as part of the Warblers' council.

Each roster of Warblers had been invited to do two songs, both during and after the dinner meal.

The songs were interspersed with solo performances, not only from Blaine and Kurt but also from some other Warbler soloists.

Wes had sent everyone an itinerary beforehand, highlighting each Warbler's performances, and he had marked solos in a separate color, making them distinct from the group numbers.

When the two friends had put together itineraries for Blaine and Kurt, they had left off one very important detail.

Mercedes had been instrumental in arranging this particular surprise, and it had been a closely guarded secret between the three of them.

Blaine and Kurt didn't find out about the omission until the late afternoon, when they had finished their wandering around Dalton, been through their showers and dressing, and had returned to the common room for more socializing before the gala dinner and dance that night.

They had been chatting amicably with Cameron and Thad, catching up with their friends who were, respectively, a lawyer and a surgeon, when murmuring broke out near the door.

The four men didn't notice it at first, but it grew progressively louder and closer as more and more of the Warbler alumni noticed the room's new occupant.

The quartet finally looked up, searching to see what was causing such a stir, and when the mass of tall shoulders finally parted, Blaine and Kurt's jaws dropped.

"Rachel?" Kurt exclaimed, stunned.

It was in fact Rachel Berry, her tiny figure attractively garbed in a navy and red strapless dress, her dark hair swept up into a beautiful, loose chignon, and her feet in dainty heels that gave her a few extra inches.

Mercedes was behind her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hello my dears," she said exuberantly, drawing first Kurt and then Blaine into tight hugs. "You didn't think I would miss out on all the fun, did you?"

Blaine sent an astonished look toward Kurt who, it appeared, was still struggling to find words.

"Rachel - what are you doing here? Not that we aren't glad you're here," he added hastily, shooting an apologetic and loving smile at his friend,

"but you're supposed to be in New York - and you're not a Warbler, all appearances to the contrary," he finished, grinning as he took in her attire.

Rachel smiled at him impishly. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do, Blaine. I happen to have been invited, and I wasn't about to say no.

I wanted to be here for whatever you are planning - and I know you are planning something," she whispered, winking.

Kurt finally spoke, having gotten over his initial shock at seeing his other best friend and costar parading into a Dalton full of Warbler alumni.

"Rachel, how on earth are you here?" he demanded, sputtering. "You haven't really given Blaine an answer, and you're supposed to be holding down the show - our show!" he said emphatically, raising an eyebrow at her.

"There is no way that Brian and Harmony are going to be able to pull this off together, without either one of us, and you were supposed to be the one making sure that everything went well! It's going to be a disaster! What was Neil thinking?"

Once he started, Kurt didn't even pause for breath, and finally Rachel put a hand to his lips, smiling.

"Kurt. It's fine. You've coached Brian through everything so many times that he could do it in his sleep, and he did well on the night that you were at Blaine's premier.

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