Hidden betrayal

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The rain poured down in relentless sheets as Isabella leaned against the doorway of an old warehouse, the water dripping off her coat forming a small puddle at her feet. The heavy patter of raindrops echoed in the empty streets, masking the sound of Harry approaching from behind. He stopped a few feet away, shaking the rain from his hair, his eyes narrowing as he looked at her.

- I thought you said we wouldn't meet here again - Harry's voice carried both concern and annoyance, his breath visible in the cold air.

- Things have changed. I couldn't wait - Isabella replied, her eyes meeting his with an intensity that conveyed urgency.

- What did you find out? - Harry asked, his tone softening as he stepped closer.

Isabella took a deep breath, pulling a small leather-bound notebook from her bag. She held it out to him, her fingers lingering on the worn cover for a moment before she let it go.

- This. It's all in here. Connections, names, places we missed. I got it from a source that... well, let's just say I hope it was worth the risk - Isabella said, her voice lowering to a whisper as she spoke.

Harry looked down at the notebook, then back at Isabella. His eyes searched hers, trying to read the unspoken words behind her expression.

- What kind of risk? - he asked, his voice barely audible above the rain.

- One I wouldn't take again. They nearly caught me. But it's all here, Harry. Everything we need to move forward - Isabella said, her hands trembling slightly from the cold or perhaps the memory of her narrow escape.

Harry took a deep breath, nodding slowly as he opened the notebook, flipping through the pages. The entries were hastily written, details scrawled in a messy script, but it was enough to give them a direction.

- This... this changes everything - Harry murmured, his eyes scanning the names.

- That's what I'm hoping - Isabella replied, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability that she rarely showed.

He closed the notebook and looked at her, his eyes softening. He reached out, his hand brushing against hers.

- You shouldn't have gone alone - Harry said, a hint of worry slipping into his voice.

- I had to. There was no time, and I couldn't risk involving anyone else - Isabella replied, her voice firmer now.

Harry nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line. He understood her reasons, but that didn't make it any easier to accept.

- Let's get back to the safe house. We need to go through all of this together. If what you say is true, we might finally have the leverage we need - Harry said, turning to lead her back into the stormy night.

The safe house was a small, unassuming building on the edge of town, hidden amongst a row of similarly aged structures. Inside, the rest of the group had gathered, their faces lighting up with curiosity and apprehension when Isabella and Harry entered.

- Did you get anything? - Charles asked, rising from his chair, his eyes focused on the notebook in Harry's hand.

- We did. It might be what we need - Harry said, placing the notebook on the table, the worn leather darkened by the rain.

Margaret leaned forward, her fingers brushing against the edges of the notebook as she looked at Isabella.

- What did it take to get this? - Margaret asked, her voice edged with concern.

- A lot. But it was worth it - Isabella replied, her gaze meeting Margaret's with unwavering determination.

- Let's see what we have - Sophie said, moving closer, her eyes scanning the pages as Harry opened the notebook.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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