Part 31

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Early morning of the very next day, taehyung is pulled out of her deep slumber with a feeling of her head about to explode.

She sits up, the headache not at all helping and though her eyes refused, her body couldn't rest and so she gets off the bed.

Was about to head to the bathroom door when she spots jungkook sleeping on the small couch.

His face seemed peaceful, he seemed to be in a deep slumber.

What is he doing here?  She frowns but soon the faint memories of last night flashes, which ceases her frown.

While dwelling upon whether to wake him up or not, her gaze, unintentionally falls upon his face.

His oh so godly face, though taehyung might hate her boss's whole existense, she won't deny he certainly was god's favourite creation.

From his milky skin to his perfect skin texture. His soft raven locks to his slightly dry red lips, everything, everything about him is perfect.

Maybe, just maybe, if he didn't act so cocky when they first met, if she did not have to work under him, perhaps the engagement could've gone to a better path?

A faint smile appears on her lups as she, with baby steps approaches him. Even when sleeping, he looks so perfect.

And suddenly a necklace on his neck draws her attention. She frowns, a crescent moon, she's so sure she's seen it before.

Something close to fear stirrs within her and out of curiosity, she tries to hold tge necklace but feels a grasp arpund her wtist before that.

Caught completely off guard, she stands there, wordless, watching jungkook snap open his eyes.

"I-" her hurried words are cut off by jungkook's gaxe on her which softens.

Quickly sitting up, still holding tae's wrist, jungkook stands before tae, "You're burning."

Taehyung stands there, not able to digest any words as jungkook puts his hand over her forhead, "Sh!t, you are burning!"

Taehyung lets jungkook walk her to the bed and making her sit, "Lay down, how are you even walking? You're burning so damn much."

Completely in daze, taehyung just stares at him. Him, whose eyes got frowny, still looking so hot, him whose voice sounded stern, still so hot. Him, him, him.

Making her lay down comfortably,"I'll bring you a soup real quick, Don't move!" He says, walking out of the room.

And when he does, taehyung feels the pain coming back. Her head weighing tons and the bed burning her up, even blinking felt so difficult, that she tears up.

"What is-" she holds her head and shutting up her eyes, squeezing it in an attempt to make the ache cease down even a little bit.

And at the excat moment, the darkness of her vision lights up with a clear image of a lady in white, the same lady she has seen so many times.

What intrigued her the most was the necklace, the same necklace, the one as jungkook's.

Her eyes flew open, the events from the previous night now crystal clear in her memory.

Who is she? What are they? Why do i keep seeing her? What does she want?

All these questions but no one to answer, but she knew, patience was the key.


"Dont huryy!" Jungkook frowns, holding tge soup bowl.

Taehyung helplessly whines,"I just want to sleep, my whole body hurts"

"I know" his frown ceases as he feeds her, blowing the spoonful soup before feeding, the subtle act clearly catching taehyung's attention, "this will help you, so don't rush." He softly says.

While he feeds her carefully, her spare eyes find a job, that of staring jungkook.

The more she tries to deny the more it feels so obvious, Jeon Jungkook is a true gentleman sometimes, like now, how many lucky girls have been fed by him like this? She wonders.

Jungkook catches her dreamy gaze on her. He fakes a subtle cough, clearing his throat afterwards as he puts on a stern face, standing up as the bowl was now empty.

Taehyung's eyes follows his movement but soon it is occupied by the crescent moon necklace that now was hidden beneath his shirt, only the thread visible.

" rest for a while" the only words she caught,"Got it?" She nods, though not quite sure what he told her, she finally meets his gaze to see him putting on a hard face.

It seemed like he knew taehyung had many questions, like he knew, he could answer one of them. They held eachother's gaze for a while, a atmosphere full of curiosity surrounds them when taehyung finally speaks up,"the necklace..." her eyes move down to his neck for a second before meeting his eyes again.

He narrows his eyes, face still stoic as taehyung looks at him, expectantly. Taking his time, he clicks his tongue, breaking the eye contact,"Its my grandmother's."

And before taehyung could say anything else, he walks out of the room. Though she got the hint that he didn't even wan to answer it, she couldn't help. She needed to know.


"You'll hurt yourself. Think for yourself."

"Time's rushing, dont lay back."

"Everything will go wrong, but you ar-"
The feminine dark voice is cut off by a soothing, manly one.

"Nobody can hurt you, im here." She knows this voice,

"She's lying, nothing will happen" the assuring voice relieved the fear,"She's lying",her weariness,"I'll protect you" her aches.

"I hope she is"

She feels the faint brigtness behind her closed eyelids, the heavy silence and voice fading, as her ears heard a pleasingly light silence.

A hand caressing her head is what made her eyes gradually open. And upon doing so, the soothing feeling of a hand caressing her head fades as jungkook, who was sitting beside her, stands up, "You were shivering and tearing up. I assumed you had a nightmare."

"Y-yeah" her voice dries up. Clearing her throat, she is handed a glass of water,

"How are you feeling now?" The soothing voice, the familiar voice.

"You're burning less, i assume you're better.  Are you craving anything?" The voice she heard in her dream was definitely not jungkook's but the hint, love and care was so similar. Too much.

Staring at him absentmindedly, she manages to shake her head as no.

"You've been staring at me quite a lot, is it finally kicking in that im your fiancee?"

Oh, right.

She sees jungkook's lips at a side curling just a bit.

"Have you, fallen in love with me or something?"

Double update, hehe ;)

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