Why and how am I in Ninjago part 2

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[A/N]: this part will be a fight between Acid and Nova. There will be LORE and interactions but mostly because there will be too much of a haste trying to mimic everything and stuff so what I believe I will do is put the beginning of the season, a fight, maybe, and interactions, then the finally.

After the elemental masters arrived on the island, they were told what they were doing and the rules. Acid had to stay out on watch with Garmadon because Chen didn't expect him and did not provide a room for Acid. But Chen, wanting the power of time, let Acid fight in the tournament.

With Garmadon and Acid patrolling the halls

Garmadon: so who exactly are you?

Acid: (sighs) are you still on this? Look I'm just an elemental master and not your enemy, if that's what you're thinking.

Garmadon: (mind: that voice, almost sounds like-)

Acid: hey, I smell food. They're probably serving the elemental masters.

Garmadon stopped thinking about Acid's voice and went with Acid to the cafeteria to get food.

Krait: next!

Acid: (was next and got served food) yummy. (Mind: forgot how delicious Chen's food was.)

Krait: next! (Garmadon was next) nuh uh, none for you.

Garmadon: always remember Lloyd. When you turn your back to your past evil master, you may not get creamy biscuits.

Krait: next!

Nova: you shout that one more time, I will end you!

Acid: (Overlord: reminds me of you.) (mind: there one thing, I like her spirit.)

Chen (intercom): let the tournament continue! Will the fellow masters come to their assigned arena. Speed, gravity, smoke, nature, mind, and ...

Jay: maybe we all get a day off.

Chen (intercom): and Fire!

Nova: nope.

The respective masters went to their assigned arena.

Chen: Turner, master of speed, vs Gravis, master of gravity. Neuro, master of mind, vs Bolobo, master of nature. And finally Kai, master of fire, vs Ash, master of smoke. Now fight!

The masters began fighting and trying to get the Jadeblade.

Acid: man, these fights were cool but I wonder who I'm gonna fight?

Then fights ended as Turner, Neuro, and Kai won and claimed victory as Chen pushed a button and sent the losers down a trapdoor.

The remaining masters then went to the bracket to see who's fighting next.

Jay: what's all the commotion?

The ninja gasp as they saw that Jay and Cole is up next.

Jay: what?! He can't do that!

Garmadon: he just did.

Jay: why do I have to fight Cole?! I'm not ready to fight! It's my day off!

Nova: I have to fight Acid. (Mind: this will be interesting cause he's not in the show at all.)

Clouse: is there a problem, ninja?

Cole: you cheated! You changed the brackets!

Clouse: oops. (Chuckles as he leaves)

The ninja were worried by the fight and Noca and Acid were calm. Nova and Acid went to their area, which was basic with a dark color to it.

Chen: Delta, master of darkness, vs Acid, master of time. Remember, only one can remain, first one to get the Jadeblade at the tippy top, wins. Now fight!

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