new beginnings

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sorry forgot to add but also i am a MUSIC TO SITUATION READING GIRLYYYYYY so i will be adding songs i think would help suit the situation + i also just like sharing music. pls share other songs that you think would also fit!!! i am a HUGE spotify stalker so pls comment music at any point i love it.

ANDDDD i jump alot back and both between "she"/"you" because i like do enjoy stories that give y/n a name so the nicknames can be more cutesy but like....we ARE the one reading it so its correct to use "you" right??? yall r tryna b delulu wiff me RIGHT???? anyways yeah that is last big note. ok love u bye


*Playing Around before the Party Starts by Childish Gambino + Fresh by Daft Punk*

"I can do this. I can start over tomorrow."

Shifting over on your right shoulder, you face your beside 8-ball speaker and the lego batman alarm clock that is blinking a semi-annoying red light while letting out a huge sigh realizing the time.



You lay flat on your back and stare up. Your shoulder hurts from the way you had to help Anahua with the door frame to the shop yesterday and you cant imagine how much more pain its going to be in, when you're back hunched in a class tomorrow.

If we even want to wake up tomorrow.

It's your first day at some rich smart hero school your older sister forced you to enroll at and with all the reccommendations from your American high schools, two from the Mexican summer college dual credit program you attended, UA was still being uncertain since you had missed so much, eh don't blame them. It wasn't truly considered until UA got their hands on an unfinished but still genuine recommendation from the Cathleen Bates after her passing and had to go through her things to clear out her townhouse on base. Only then did UA send over a couple exams that you would pass with flying colors and then a packet of paperwork and a uniform the next day after reading your results. "Priority Express Overnight International" shipping was crazy to read on the shipping label.

Especially with the condition Japan was left in after the big show down with All for One and the infamous "Deku" a couple months ago, Japan was trying to stabalize it's economy as much as it could with a good chunk of citizens deciding to leave their home country, that made it too easy to move to the country and get dual citizenship to help bring the money flow back into it. And especially with all the heroes that were lost in the war, they truly did need to build back up their hero population.

You on the other hand, wanted to just study chemistry and get a degree for as long as you remember but after having a run with the American government at 15 for accidentally blowing up an entire lab in your high school (hey it was the same week that you had ever gotten your first period and mightve accidentally scribbled a littttle too hard when you were experiencing your first cramp, who can blame a girl?!) you had to have a little talk in a cold room with a bunch of suits about the power and intensity of your quirk and, for obvious big brother reasons, the American government wanted to keep you under their watch and monitor you. The only way they were able to do so 100% of the time was to let your family move into one of their military towns in middle of nowhere Texas and it was there where you became a student with the Cathleen Bates who saw how strong you could be one day, if you had continued to stay on the right side of history. There she became a good part of the family as she would frequently visit you, Anahua and your Tia Yaya to make sure us girls were comfortable in this male dominated neighborhood.

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