Page.1. "Nice to meet you Alex."

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|Your POV|

I was streaming with my friends Karl and sapnap. We're playing Minecraft, as usual.... Chat was spamming that I should meet the other Dsmp people or, something like that. Then Karl started to speak.

"Y/n and sappy!" Before he could say anymore, I start laughing at what he said. "SAPPY!?!? OMG IM DYING HA-HAHAHA!" I soon stop and let Karl continue. "Anyway before Y/N interrupted ME I was trying to say, Dream invited all of us to hang out. And y/n I know you're not in the Dsmp. But, I asked him and he said yes. So now ur coming with us! AND YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!" Once karl says that, I worried. Like I don't know ANYONE there. I only know Karl and sapnap... "Karl I-I don't know anyone there, how am I supposed to be happy?" "Y/n calm down. I'm sure everyone will warm up to you." Karl said. I still felt worried, then sapnap spoke up. "Yeah, y/n everyone will love you. I promise!" "But...but. Ugh there's no point in fighting with y'all. When do we leave?" I ask and Karl says. "Oh tomorrow at 11:00am."

My mouth opens wide. Why do I have to leave so early? "KARL WE DO WE HAVE TO LEAVE SO EARLY" "because everyone has different time stamps?" "Oh yeah.... I forgot. Heh hehe. WAIT I GOTTA PACK UP THEN! BYE CHAT I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH BUT I GOTTA GET TO PACKING BYE!" I end the stream and pack up right away. I can't believe I'm meeting the WHOLE Dsmp, well only quackity, dream, George, sapnap, Tommy, Wilbur, and karl. But still and I don't even know them besides sapnap and karl. I finish up packing and goto sleep.

|tomorrow at 8:00am|

I wake up and realize it's 8:00am. I get up right away and change into some clothes. I arrive at the airport and get on my plane. Finally as soon as I fall asleep I wake up and we landed. I get off and buy an Uber to get me. They drop me off at my destination, I then see Karl and sapnap waiting for me. Bro they look like a gay married couple and their daughter, me. "Hey guys!" I scream. They look this way and run towards me, hugging me aswell. "Hey y/n!" they say at the same time. "Hey guys, sorry Fr being late my plane was delayed." I giggle. "Nah it's fine." Sapnap said. "Any y/n i and sapnap already got and Uber, and they should be here soon." "Oh cool. I'm really excited to meet the dream team, or whatever it's called." As I said that the Uber pulled up. The 3 of us get in the car and they drive us to a massive house, like MASSIVE. Karl pays and thanks the Uber driver. And sapnap takes me into the massive house. "Hey guys! I've told you about y/n right?" Sapnap says. Then Dream responds with. "You only told me no one else." "Oh well meet y/n!" Sapnap says

Then 4 people I don't know said "hey." I stay silent then say hello. "...hello nice to meet y'all." I see this good looking guy. He has black hair with a blue binie, also, he had beautiful brown eyes. "Y/N!" I snap out of my trance and hear sapnap whisper scream my name. "Oh sorry.... Anyway can I get y'all's names?" I asked then they tell me their names. "I'm the amazing Tommy." "I'm Wilbur but you can just call me will." "I'm George also known as Gogy." I smile then the pretty man I was thinking of earlier started speaking. "Hey I'm quackity but my real name is Alex, so just call me Alex." I blushed faintly as Alex talked. "Nice to meet you Alex." I reply.

Hey pookies thx for reading this and sorry that I've only got one chapt out. I have school and blah blah blah so yeah but Tysm. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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