From the beginning

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"Abbie, hurry up!" I yelled out over my shoulder at the stumbling twelve year old girl. 

"I'm trying!"

Was I a bad person for considering leaving her behind? In today's world, it was everyone for themselves. I couldn't though, even if I was risking my life I couldn't just leave her. She was my only friend. I waited until we turned a corner and doubled back as quickly as i could, grabbing her by her tiny waist and throwing her (pretty ungently) over my shoulder. It was a burden but I could take it. Hopefully. I started running forwards again, the creature snapping at my bare back. We had to make it home. Quickly.

"Hold on!" I yelled at the sobbing form on my shoulder.

I made another turn, finally spotting our hiding spot, our home. A miserable excuse for a home if i'm being completely honest. An old house, burnt almost to the ground, just enough walls to keep us safe.

"Kilyn!" Abbie screamed as I felt the sudden hot and humid breath against my neck.

I doubled in speed, forcing my legs to go faster than should be possible. That was my skill, that's why i was kept alive. Everyone in our group had their own little skill, intelligent, good with weapons, and in my case, unaturally fast. As I ran full-speed towards our destination my ear-piece suddenly crackled back to life. 

"Kilyn, you're leading it straight to us, you have to lose it!" a masculine voice spoke urgently. 

Crap. That's why I wasn't the smart one.

I kept running as fast as I could, Felix yelling in my ear to turn somewhere, Abbie sobbing grossly on my sleeve. There was no where for me to turn, no more streets to turn onto and there was no way the creature wouldnt catch up to me if I tried to make it through the rubble. That left one option, I had to turn around. I grabbed onto Abbie as tightly as I could and slowed down ever so slightly to give the creature the opportunity to get close again.

"What are you doing!" Abbie screamed as I heard Felix mutter "Oh shit" in my ear-piece.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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