Chapter One: Cheater

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       Blair's stomach dropped at the sound of moaning that was coming from the bedroom. She threw her jacket aggressively onto the large leather couch that sat in the middle of the open floor plan apartment she shared with her boyfriend of four years Ryan. She'd come home from work early today to surprise him for their anniversary, now as she made her way across the living room, part of her wish she would've just stayed at work. However, the other larger part of her brain was pissed.

       She'd done everything for Ryan she'd rejected the job at the travel magazine as a photographer, she'd moved to the city, so they'd be closer to his job, she'd resorted to working at 24hr diner whose boss was a creep that always stood too close to the female waitresses. The pay was absurdly horrible and the customers even worse.

       She finally reached the door to the bedroom and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. Maybe he just had the tv up loud and was watching some show with sex in it...Grabbing the doorknob she twisted the silver handle all she could see was the writhing back of some long-haired blonde her eyes burned with tears as she spoke, "Ryan?!" The woman was unceremoniously tossed to the other side of the bed as Ryan flew to his feet. 

       The sight of his naked body made her nausea from earlier comeback in a harsh wave, "What the fuck are you doing?!" He moved towards her his hands held out with his palms facing towards her as if she were some kind of wild animal he was trying to approach,

       "I'm so sorry Blair I know I'm an idiot and I deserve every shouted word you got, but babe I swear it was a one-time mistake, Shelley just showed up out of no-" Blair interrupted him before he could finish knowing the more, he talked the more she would want to punch him,

       "Shelley? As in your crazy ex-girlfriend that you were oh so happy to be away from once you met me. That Shelley? Or do you just happen to know two of them who are willing to screw you?" At that Shelley decided to make a comment,

       "CRAZY EX?! YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING RYAN?! Who is this chick anyway?" Blair was shocked to feel her heart break even more. She glared at Ryan and then looked back to Shelley as she spoke venom dripping from every word,

       "I'm- I was his girlfriend." Ryan had made it a little closer to her.

       "Babe don't say that we can work this out. I was just...I just had a lapse in judgment after seeing her for the first time in years." Shelley jumped out of the bed and started grabbing her various articles of clothing that was scattered around the room,

       "You are so full of shit Ryan. Look whatever your name is Ryan, and I have been together for 10 years now, so I don't know what you think you had with him but it's obviously over." All of a sudden Blair's anger dissipated into a bubbling bile of disgust and hurt,

       "You know what. Fuck this I don't care anymore you can have him." She turned on her boot heel and walked back the way she came grabbing her jacket off the couch and her bag off the key table and yanked the door open leaving the apartment as quick as she could without so much as a backward glance in Ryan's direction.

       Many hours later Blair found herself laying on a moderately comfortable hotel bed with various empty candy wrappers laying scattered on the floral blanket of the bed. With a sigh she decided it was finally time she'd face the reality of what happened. She heaved herself off the bed and walked across to the room and picked her bag up off the chipped dresser that rested against the wall and dug through it to find her phone then dialed the first number she could think of. As it rang, she scanned the rest of hotel room.

       It wasn't a fancy room by any means. The bed covers were a mustard yellow with bright pink lilies printed all over it, along with a set of yellow pillowcases to match. Like the bed the walls were also a dingy yellow color much to Blair's relief as she already felt a little crazy being surrounded by so much yellow and surprise the carpet was off white and made of the weird scratchy carpet hotels all seemed to have. A tiny tv rested on the dresser and both looked like they'd seen better days.

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