Chapter Three: An exciting Job Offer

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       Nothing can drive you crazy quite like living back home with your mother. At least that's how Blair felt after a week of being home. She quietly sat down with a cup of coffee at the wooden dining table. Looking at the room she noticed that it hadn't changed a bit since Blair left. It was like most of the house decorated in various shades of tans and browns with very little clutter.

       Her mother loved the house looking neat and detested anything 'messy'; however, both the living room and dining room were subject to her mother's collection of glass chickens. Which were the only bits of the house that had any kind of color to it. Her mother wasn't the type for family photos so the house always looked like a house a realtor was going to show it off to their clients.

       Silently she wished that her mother would stay asleep, so she'd get the chance to pop out the front door and find somewhere to hide out for the day. The two of them had argued relentlessly since she came back. Her mother was always finding some way to come up with an idea to 'improve' Blair's life along with constantly trying to get Blair to go find a man to 'settle down with' Sadly that wish was crushed within moments as her mother emerged from her room, "OH Blair, I didn't know you were up already. Let me get some breakfast started!" Blair cursed her luck as her mother walked into the kitchen she got up and followed,

       "Mom, don't worry about breakfast, you know I don't like it." Ignoring her, Helen continued to grab various things from the fridge.

       "I saw Beth Myers in town the other day and she said Conor and Celeste are having a lot of issues. Any idea as to why?" Blair sighed,

       "No mom I don't. I haven't spoken to Conor since he helped me move. Why were you two talking about Conor?"

       "Oh well I'd mentioned the fact that you were back home after you'd broken up with your boyfriend, and we'd got to talking about how cute you and Conor used to be..." Blair groaned,

       "Mom, stop talking about how Conor and I used to be, ok? Nothing is ever going to happen there."

       "I just think it would be so nice if you two would finally get back together and get married, he's doing well working for his father. You could get a beautiful house and then you could finally have some kids. I'm not getting any younger, you know. Don't you think you've done enough of this whole traveling thing already?"

       "I swear," Blair paused and took a few calming breaths, "I'm going out. I'll see you later." She turned and headed toward the front door and shoved her boots on and walked outside as her mother shouted from the kitchen,

       "AT LEAST TRY TO MAKE IT BACK FOR DINNER!" Rolling her eyes she walked down the porch steps and realized she had no car here. In the city she never really had to drive anywhere but here her parents lived at least thirty minutes from everywhere.

       "Well, I guess I'm just going for a walk." Pulling out her phone and her earbuds she hit play on her music and started walking. After a bit she made it to a small pond that sat back a bit from the dirt road that led to her parents' house.

       Slowly she walked down the small grassy hill to the pond. It was a nice little place. The trees were a dark green, the sun light reflected beautifully off the water, she paused her music and removed the ear buds putting them back into her pocket. She listened to the sounds of the birds and the rustling of the leaves in the wind. Living in the city all you could hear was cars and people. Sometimes, overwhelmed with all the sounds she wished she could just drive to a forest and sit, but she never did. She now realized how much she missed this little spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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