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🚒🚒Aɴᴅʀᴇᴡ's POV🚒🚒

After right now im in The Chief's corner since i was his trainer and couch, i went 17-0 in my colleges boxing team so i hope he takes my advice. So far he is doing pretty good but that cop sure has an iron jaw.

The bell rang and the Chief came back to the corner, i took out his mouth piece and said while i gave him some water.

Andrew: You are doing good Chief, you almost had him with that right hook, but hitting his jaw won't amount to anything.

Boden: Then what do you suggest?

Andrew: I see he is protecting his right ribs, my guess he got shot and his vest took the brunt of it, go for the right ribs!

After i said that he nodded and i put his mouth guard back in his mouth just as the bell rang, the Chief went for his right ribs and i was right, he dropped his guard and the chief landed a huge right uppercut making him leave his feet and hit the ground.

The ref went to look in on him and he was completely knocked out and called for the bell, i got in the ring and held up the chiefs hand but before we could celibrate our scanners went off.

When me and the chief got to the fire they were carrying out Herman so i ran up to him and looked him over and i looked at Gabby and nodded to her cause we both knew what was wrong.

Andrew: Shay, i need you to hold him down the best you can..

Shay nodded at me and held Herman down the best she could as Gabby put the needle into his chest, once he got stable i helped put him in the ambo, when i shut the doors i hit the side of the ambo to tell them to step on it.


We all were in the waiting room at the hospital waiting for word on Chris, Matt just came back in from talking with someone and he has a slight smile on his face until he saw Kelly, they both nodded to each other and sat next to each other.

I sighed with relief, i really didn't feel like beating the living crap out of them. After a few minutes i got up and walked over to the vending machine to get something to eat but before i could a nurse walked up to me and said with a flirty tone.

Nurse: Now why would a fine specimen like yourself ruin them with this junk food?

I turned and looked at her and i have to admit she was attractive. Blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair and a fine figure but i promised Matt that i would stop sleeping with women if they aren't the person i want to be with. Don't get me wrong i have had my share of relationships and one night stands but ever since Andy's death i really want to settle down and have a family of my own.

Before i could turn her down Gabby and Shay came around the corner, and like lightning Shay came up to us and crossed her arms and said.

Leslie: What is that i smell?

She said as she smelt the air then said.

Leslie: That's right, i smell a sank... Go ahead skank, walk away....

One thing you sould know about Leslie, she don't take it lightly when women hit on me, i don't really understand it but im always flattered.

𝗥𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲𝘀: 𝗔 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗴𝗼 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆Where stories live. Discover now