Chapter 4

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As they sit and eat their ice cream, Kylie keeps thinking back to her doctor's appointment. Not Malia's, hers. She had scheduled an appointment for an ultrasound the same day as Malia's next appointment. Like, literally one right after the other. She wasn't trying to get pregnant, she just wanted to make sure everything was ok down there. Not there you perverts, but her uterus. There was clearly perfectly fine.

She just had three things to do before her appointment. A) tell Malia about it B) tell Mel about it and C) explain to them both that this is not her attempt at getting pregnant. Malia was already pregnant, they don't need two hormonal women living under the same roof. And with the same management and career, poor Mel. This is simply her just making sure everything was working properly. They said that she could have kids, it would just be risky. But time heals all wounds, right? And what about that dream she had? She was the one pregnant, not Malia. Maybe Malia had their first children and Kylie had their other ones? She doesn't know what drove her to even make that appointment in the first place. Was it impulse? Was she maybe feeling jealous of her wife? That she was experiencing this and she wasn't? "Kylie? Kyyliie?" "Huh?" Malia laughs. "Where's your head at?" She smiles. "Oh, um names." Malia raises her eyebrow. "Damn, already? I'm barely a month."

"Yeah, but you never know. Some people take forever to decide on a name. It's a big deal, the child will be stuck with it for the rest of their lives, i mean unless they legally change it. But still, you know what i mean." Kylie takes a bite of her ice cream. "Yeah, i get what you mean. A name says a lot about a person sometimes too. So what have you come up with so far?" She takes a spoonful of Kylie's ice cream. "Well, we know it's gonna be a girl. So i was thinking maybe, Chloe?" She smirks. "Very funny." Malia smiles. She gasps suddenly. "How about Red?" She teases. Kylie laughs and shakes her head. "Oh god, no. Seriously though, what do you think about Layla?" Malia scrunches her face. "Eh, it's cute. Don't get me wrong, but it just seems a little plain." "This coming from a woman named Malia?" Kylie smiles. "Hey, there are other Malia's out there. It's not just me." Malia scoffs. "I know, I'm just saying." "Oh whatever Kylie, as if that's not a common name as well."

"Hey! You love my name, why else would you be screaming it every night?" Kylie smirks. Malia looks at her shocked. "Well, you clearly love my name considering you were literally screaming it an hour ago." Kylie threatens her with ice cream. "One more word and this ice cream goes down your shirt." "Ok, ok. Wait, are you gonna clean it off if i let you?" Malia smirks. Kylie rolls her eyes. "You know....we still have to tell the others." Malia sighs. "I know. And we can't just do it through an Instagram post, they deserve better than that. We shoot our love ballad tomorrow and the opening number. We could announce it then." Kylie nods. "Yeah, i think that's a great idea." They finish their ice cream and head home. Once they enter, they turn on the tv and open Hulu.

"What did you want for dinner?" Kylie asks. "Well, I don't really feel like cooking so let's order out." She opens her phone and starts looking up restaurants nearby. "What did you want? Fast food? Chinese? Mexican? Vietnamese?" Kylie sits next to her and cuddles up next to her. "Whatever you want baby." They settle for chinese take out. They eat and watch but they both had things on their minds. Malia was anxious about announcing their pregnancy tomorrow. Kylie was anxious about her appointment and nervous about telling Malia. Would she be upset? It was just an appointment to check if it was safe for her to get pregnant, if she ever wanted to, it's not like she's getting pregnant right then and there. So why was she so nervous to tell her wife? This is Malia, her wife, partner, best friend (sorry Ruby, Mel), her whole world. But that was the thing, what if ahe tells her and her whole world comes crashing down? Malia obviously worries. Would she be worried about her health and discourage her from doing this? Eventually, Malia fell asleep so Kylie carried her to their bedroom and laid her down. She changes her wife out of her clothes and into some comfortable pj's before changing herself and sliding into bed with her. She wraps her arm around Malia's waist and rubs her stomach. "I can't wait to meet you baby. Your mommy and i love you very much. Don't you ever forget that." She whispered before she fell asleep.

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