chapter 2

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Lancer, teeth gritted in frustration, twirls his lance with growing impatience.

Lancer: Are you holding back, Saber? Is this all you've got? Fight me seriously!

Shadow, standing back with a casual smirk, barely reacts.

Shadow: Sorry, but nope.

Lancer's eyes narrow in disbelief.

Lancer: What?!

Shadow (shrugging): I need time. In this war, going all out isn't exactly practical without some downtime afterward. Can't afford to burn myself out this early.

Lancer's expression turns into a snarl of anger as he levels his lance at Shadow.

Lancer: You mock me by holding back? Do you dare insult me?

Shadow remains unfazed, his tone calm.

Shadow: Not mocking you—just being smart. If I went all out, things would get messy. Real messy.

Rin (stepping forward, frustrated): Shadow, we need to win this! You can't just—

Shadow (cutting her off): Relax. We've got time. This war isn't a sprint—it's a marathon. I'm pacing myself.

Lancer, fuming, lunges forward with a snarl.

Lancer: I'll make you fight seriously, Saber!

His lance blurs toward Shadow's heart, but in an instant, Shadow vanishes into the darkness, slipping away like smoke.

Shadow (his voice echoing from the shadows): Not today, Lancer. You'll have to wait.

Lancer's frustration builds, his grip tightening on his lance.

Rin (thinking): Damn it, Shadow... He's so frustrating! But he's right—if he burns out now, we're done.

Lancer: Fight me properly, or I'll force you to!

Shadow suddenly reappears a short distance away, his grin returning.

Shadow: Stand there for five minutes, Lancer. I'll show you why I can't go all out.

Lancer hesitates, his fury momentarily giving way to suspicion.

Lancer: What trick are you pulling now?

Rin (confused): Shadow, what are you doing?

Shadow, ignoring the question, begins to focus his energy. A dark aura swirls around him as the ground beneath his feet trembles, and he mutters under his breath.

Shadow: I... am... Atomic.

For a brief moment, the atmosphere thickens with tension, and an ominous power begins to gather around Shadow. But then, just as quickly, the energy dissipates, leaving nothing behind.

Lancer (mocking): That's it? That was your great power?

Rin (shocked): Shadow, what happened?

Shadow sighs, lowering his hand.

Shadow: I've been dead for almost 30 years. My atomic cells... they've gone dormant. It'll take time for them to recharge before I can use my full power.

Lancer (laughing, taunting): So the mighty Saber is just a washed-up relic! How pathetic!

Shadow's smirk returns.

Shadow: Laugh while you can. When my power comes back, you won't be laughing anymore.

Rin clenches her fists, frustrated but beginning to understand.

Rin: So that's why you've been holding back... You're still recovering from being dead.

Shadow: Exactly. Once my cells wake up, you'll see what "I Am Atomic" really means. But for now, we have to be smart about this.

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