Chapter 6: Love in the Time of Goodbye

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Alya and Juno had been dating for eight blissful months, and their relationship felt as solid as the earth beneath their feet. They had been inseparable from the moment they met, their connection growing deeper with each shared laugh, every moment of vulnerability, and every quiet evening spent in each other's arms. Their love seemed effortless, like a dance they both knew the steps to by heart.

For Alya, Juno was everything she had hoped for in a partner—caring, thoughtful, and endlessly supportive. He had an artist's soul, always seeing the beauty in things most people overlooked. Together, they had built a rhythm, a life filled with weekend getaways, late-night talks, and mornings spent tangled up in sheets, whispering promises of forever.

But forever, as Alya was starting to realize, had its challenges.

Juno's talent as an artist had been recognized long before they met, and when the opportunity for him to complete his final art residency abroad came, it was a dream come true for him. He would be working with world-renowned artists, honing his skills, and creating the kind of work that would propel his career forward. It was everything he had ever wanted. And Alya, more than anyone, wanted him to succeed.

"You have to go, Juno," she had told him when the offer first arrived. "This is your dream. I'll be here waiting for you when you get back."

But now, with the day of his departure looming just hours away, the reality of what was about to happen settled in Alya's chest like a heavy weight. Eight months. That's how long Juno would be gone, studying and working in a different country, thousands of miles away.

They had talked about long-distance relationships, convinced themselves they could make it work. They had promised each other that nothing would change, that love would carry them through. But deep down, Alya wasn't sure. She had heard stories of people who tried long-distance and failed, their love gradually fading like a radio signal growing weaker the farther it was from the source.

"I'll be back before you know it," Juno had said as they packed his bags. "Eight months isn't that long, right?"

Alya had smiled, but her heart wasn't in it. "Right. We'll get through this."

Now, standing in the airport, watching Juno disappear into the sea of people heading towards security, she felt the first true pang of loneliness. The buzz of the airport faded as her heart ached, a sense of dread creeping in. Could they really make it? Was their love strong enough to withstand the distance?

The first few weeks passed in a haze of phone calls and video chats. They sent each other pictures of their day, shared the little details of their lives, and did everything they could to feel close despite the miles. Juno's excitement about the residency was palpable, and Alya loved hearing him talk about the new people he was meeting and the work he was doing. He had found an art studio in the city that felt like home to him, and his days were filled with inspiration.

Alya tried to keep busy, throwing herself into work and spending time with friends. But as the weeks turned into months, the routine they had once cherished began to fray. Juno's calls became more sporadic, his messages shorter and less frequent. The time difference between them, along with Juno's busy schedule, made it harder for them to connect the way they used to. And Alya felt it—an emptiness that no amount of work or socializing could fill.

She missed him. She missed their long conversations, their shared laughter, the way he looked at her as if she were the most important person in the world. But now, it seemed like Juno's world was expanding, and she was just a small part of it, pushed to the edges as he became immersed in his new life abroad.

One evening, as she sat scrolling through her phone, waiting for a message that didn't come, Alya's thoughts drifted back to their last night together. They had stayed up late, curled up on the couch, talking about their future. They had made plans—plans that seemed so solid at the time, but now felt as fragile as paper. She had believed they could get through anything together, but now...

Her phone buzzed, jolting her out of her thoughts. A new message. But it wasn't from Juno.

It was from Sam.

Her ex.

Alya's heart skipped a beat as she stared at the screen. Sam? After all this time? Why was he reaching out now? And more importantly, why did the sight of his name make her pulse quicken in a way that it hadn't in months?

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