Chapter 1: Captivity

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Zans blinked, his eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light of the cell. His body felt heavy, aching in ways he didn't fully understand yet, as if every bone had been fractured and hastily mended. His breathing was shallow, labored, as if the air itself fought against his lungs. The familiar sound of dripping water echoed in the stone chamber, mixing with the distant crackle of fire. It was unbearably hot, the oppressive heat making each breath burn.

Where am I? His thoughts came in fragments, like shards of broken glass trying to form a whole.

He tried to move, but the chains around his wrists dug deep into his skin, the cold metal biting into him despite the unbearable warmth of the air. Panic swelled in his chest. His heart raced, and then-the memories-flooded in all at once.

The war. The battle in the Stone Kingdom. The Magma Kingdom's army surging forward. Little Leif's bright eyes, wide with determination, standing by his side. Glacius, fierce and unwavering, had stood strong despite the heat that weakened his icy form. Hylia, protecting the Cloud Kingdom, and Ignacious, brave even after Rockwell's demise. Rockwell...

Zans' chest tightened. The realization hit him like a blow to the gut: they had lost.

"No... no..." he whispered, his voice a weak rasp.

They had been fighting, tooth and nail, against the overwhelming force of the Magma Kingdom. The armies of fire-breathing beasts, the molten titans crashing into their lines. He remembered the Titan's roar, the earth shaking beneath them. Rockwell, once their friend, twisted by the magma's dark power, had turned on them. Zans had tried to save him, to bring him back... but it was too late.

He squeezed his eyes shut, forcing the memories to slow, to stop. But they wouldn't. Little Leif, Glacius, Ignacious, Hylia-all of them. Were they still alive? Had they fallen in that final battle?

I failed them.

Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he hung his head, the weight of defeat crushing him. His friends, the ones who had stood by him through every trial, every battle-gone. The army, the sprites, the guardians-they had all fallen, and here he was, shackled in some godforsaken dungeon in the heart of the Magma Kingdom. He had led them into this. And now he was alone, utterly and completely alone.

The despair gnawed at him like a ravenous beast, sinking its teeth deep into his soul. How could he have been so blind, so weak? How could he have let this happen?

His mind spun, desperate for answers. He had fought with everything he had. They all had. But it hadn't been enough. Nothing had been enough to stop the unrelenting force of the Magma Kingdom.

Zans looked up, blinking away the tears that blurred his vision. The dungeon was small, barely lit by the flickering torchlight. The walls were made of obsidian rock, polished to a hauntingly smooth surface. He could feel the oppressive weight of the Magma Kingdom all around him, the fire-infused stones practically pulsing with heat.

Is this it? Is this where I die?

Pain shot through his body as he tried to sit up. His arms and legs were bound, heavy chains of obsidian pinning him against a jagged wall of black rock. His skin burned where the metal touched, but it wasn't enough to leave lasting marks. It was a cruel kind of imprisonment-just enough pain to remind him where he was.

The memories flooded back to him: the last battle, Rockwell's fiery end, and then... the cloaked girl. Zans shuddered, hearing her whisper as clearly as if she stood beside him again.

"Burn them all."

He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the memory away, but it clung to him like a curse. They had lost. He could feel it in his bones. The weight of defeat, the sense that everything had fallen apart. What had happened to the others? Hylia, Little Leif, Ignacious... Were they still fighting, or had the world already turned to ash?

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