A Shadow Within: Part 2

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Part 2 Epilogue:

Harper's suspicions about Nathan are growing, though he can't quite pin anything on him. As he digs deeper into the case, Harper starts to see patterns in the murders that no one else notices—patterns that point to something far more deliberate and personal than a random string of killings. Harper knows he's getting closer, but Jamie is always just out of reach, manipulating evidence and staying ahead of the investigation.

As Jamie's obsession with Harper intensifies, his kills become more precise, almost rehearsed, each one a step closer to his ultimate goal—Harper's death. The lines between the two personalities, Jamie and Nathan, blur further, as Jamie begins to take more risks.

This part will dive deeper into the tension between Jamie's need for control and the thrill of almost being caught. At the same time, Nathan's confusion and fear grow as he starts to piece together fragments of memories that don't belong to him. As the stakes rise, the ultimate question lingers: will Harper catch Jamie before it's too late, or will Jamie succeed in making Harper his final masterpiece?

Chapter 20: Good Listeners

Jamie sat at the small table in Emma's apartment, calmly cutting into a slice of steak on his plate. Across from him, slumped lifelessly in a chair, Emma's corpse sat propped up, her head tilted at an unnatural angle. Her vacant eyes stared at him, but Jamie smiled as if they were sharing a casual dinner.

"You know, Emma," he said, chewing thoughtfully, "you're a great listener. Better than Harper, that's for sure. He's always got something to say, always poking around where he doesn't belong."

He paused, swirling the wine in his glass, raising it to his lips before glancing back at her body. "But you—well, you're just perfect. I don't get interrupted. I can talk all I want, and you just sit there. Kind of refreshing, really."

Taking another bite, Jamie couldn't help but chuckle. "You know, I've been thinking about Harper a lot. He's got this... swagger, like he's untouchable. Like he thinks he's one step ahead of me." Jamie stabbed at the steak on his plate with his fork, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "He's not. But I'm getting bored of him dragging this out. I think it's time I take care of that problem too."

He finished his meal, wiping his mouth delicately with a napkin, his eyes flicking back to Emma's lifeless form. "Well," he said with a dramatic sigh, "I suppose it's time to take care of you now. You're starting to overstay your welcome, and we can't have that."

Jamie's face twisted into an exaggerated pout, like a child leaving his favorite amusement park. "I'll miss our little chats. But honestly, Emma, you won't be missed. Just some college girl who went missing—no trails, no clues. It's sad, really."

He pushed his chair back, standing slowly and walking over to her body. "You were alone at the bar when I found you. No one to notice. And the only person who saw us leave was the bartender. But he didn't strike me as the talkative type. Even if he was... well, let's just say I'm not worried about him either."

Jamie began methodically cleaning the apartment, wiping down surfaces and disposing of any trace of his presence. He worked in silence, his focus unwavering as he erased every sign that he had ever been there. By the time he was done, the place looked untouched, save for the corpse sitting quietly at the table.

He turned his attention to her car next, carefully wiping down the seats, the steering wheel, the door handles. Satisfied, he loaded Emma's body into the trunk, driving out to a remote cabin where he'd dumped other bodies before. It was quiet out there, the kind of place no one would ever stumble upon by accident.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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