The Start

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HEY Guys! This is my first chapter and i hope you guys like it! Please like and comment!❤

Brrring! Brring! Brrring! The school bell finally rang and I couldn't be happier. Don't get me wrong school has its good days but these past week has been hell with finals. I got up and packed all my stuff in my bag and left my Pre-AP English class. I grabbed my bag and went to the busses before it left. Once I got in I sent a text to my friend Kendell to remind her my bus number. After a minute or two, Kendell was seated next to me as she went on about her day and how the guy that she had a crush on asked her to hang out with him. I was barely interested as she went on and on about it, I had bugger problems to deal. How was I going to tell my mom that my friend was coming over without her permission, I loved my mom but her rules were crazy and outrageous. As I was stuck in my own head I barely remembered how I got to the front of my house with Kendell beside me. As we got closer my mother heard our footsteps and turned around from her yard work to look at us.

"Olivia a word now" she said with a stare so powerful it could kill. I left Kendell to talk to my mother. "Oliviana Marcelo why is Kendell here? I don't remember you asking me if she could stay!" she yelled. I turned around to check if Kendell heard anything but she was too busy on her phone to care.

"Mom sorry I asked last week remember" I said hoping my mom believes my lie but as usual she didn't. So she went all crazy and told me that Kendell had to go back home right now and that I was grounded. My mothers rules were crazy even though I loved her so much sometimes I wished she didn't have crazy rules. I didn't know what to do with Kendell so I told my mom that I'd walk her to one of our friends house that lived near by. I was furious at my mother how dare she tell me to take my friend back just because I forgot to ask, I felt so embarrassed. As I walked Kendell to Delaney's house I apologized to her about what happened today. Being the great friend she is she forgave me and told me it was okay. We arrived at Delaney's after 10 minutes.

"Laney can Ken stay her with you while she waits for her parents to pick her up?" I asked knowing that she'd say yes.

"Liv of course she can and you should too will be watching a movie and just going crazy over here" she said flipping her long black hair. I knew my mom would say no because she was mad at me but there still could be a chance.

"I'll ask my mom and if she says yes I'll come back" I said walking out and walked towards my house. I walked into our huge living room that we never use and asked my mom if I could go to Delaney's. This made her furious, "how dare ask me to go to your friends after I told you were grounded you ungreatful bitch" she said as her words stung. Only to realize that the stinging was from her slapping my face, bringing tears to the edge of my eyes. I couldn't believe my mother hit me that just pushed everything to another level. I ran upstairs and grabbed my mini bag that already had a few cloth inside from camping and ran out of the house with tears streaming my face as my mother called my name. I ran as fast as I could and got to Delaney's in 3 minutes. I told them what happened and all of them decided to comfort me. I spent the whole day long crying and ignoring all the miss calls from my parents. After 4 hours of staying at Delaney's I got a call from my best friend Alona asking where i was and I told her we were at Delaney's, she told me she would be arriving there shorty since we all use to hangout there together back in middle school. After 20 minutes we heard the doorbell ring and Delaney got up to open. Alona was standing there looking like the model with her blond wavy hair cascading down her back I ran up to hug her only to stop dead in my tracks when I saw my mother behind her. I couldn't believe my beat friend betrayed me, I was blown away with that my best friend would do this to me knowing how my mother is. I stepped away from her like she was wearing some kind of bug repellent and I was a bug. While I was taken back by this surprise my mother was going crazy on Delaney yelling at her and telling her that she never wants to see her every again. I was dragged out of the house with my some what of a best friend sitting in the front with my mom while I sat in the back. The car ride to Alonas house was long and agonizing as Alona kept apologizing and I kept ignoring her. After dropping off Alona we drove back to the house, my mother wouldn't stop yelling at me about running away even though that wasn't my intension. As we reached the house we saw a cop cars in front of our house. I was wondering what was going on as my mother got out and explained to the cop that they found me but to my surprise and my moms the cop wasnt there about my running away it was about the slapping that had occurred. As the cop referred to as demoatic violent and he talk to my mom about how she could get in trouble and of course I was shocked because even though my mom was acting like a psycho I still loved her to death so I told the officer he had nothing to worry about it. That night everything changed in the house I was treated as the daughter that gave up her own mother even though I wasn't the one that told the cops about what happened.

The next morning my parents left to the beach house that was 4 hours away, taking my younger sister with them. I was left here to suffer the consequences that I deserved for causing the pain and it sure felt like hell as I spent that Sunday crying waiting for Monday so i could go to school and forget about what happened.

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