It's You

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Hey guys another update!(:

I woke up with a pounding headache and achey eyes. My alarm clock wasn't helping the situation as it kept ringing. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and look up to a scary sight. My eyes were blood shot hiding my chocolate brown eyes that were covered up by the puffiness around my eyes. Not  recognizing the girl in front of me I left the bathroom and when to put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black longsleeve shirt and a pair of black nikes. Once ready, I walked downstairs to grab lunch money and left without eating my breakfast. As I walked out of the house I put on my headphones and listen to the song that was currently playing, Sad Eyes by Enrique Iglesaias. I starter walking towards the bus stop since I don't have my license yet.I was near the bustop when I realized there was someone by the mail boxes getting the mail. Who gets the mail at 6 in the morning, unless they're a killer oh my god I'm going to die I should probably start running! Crap what if I trip and fall then the killer might get me . The current thinking erased my problems as I got a grip and walked towards the other sidewalk away from the stranger. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't know where I was until I ran into something hard. I was about to smack the back of my head with the concrete floor when a pair of arms grabbed me and saved me. I slightly opened my eyes to see who caught me, only to be surprised it was the guy that was getting the mail, I was about  to scream when I heard the most sexiest voice I've heard before.

"Hey you okay, I'm sorry for almost killing" he said. Omg omg I'm going to die I'm going to die. I kept thinking as I tried to settle myself on my own pair of legs. "Um thanks you I'm fine" I chocked out nervously as I finally took in his appearance. He was handsome nothing like I ever seen in real life he had eyes like the Caribbean sea that were hard to look away from and skin like carmel, great cheekbones and nose, lips so rosey and full I wanted to kiss them. The last thing I noticed was his hair it was golden brown with a great shine.

"Hey you okay? I didnt mean to scare you I was just getting the mail" he said looking at me worriedly. "Um yeah I'm fine hey I got to it was nice meeting you" I said hurriedly and was about to leave until he gently grabbed my arm. "I..I didn't get your name" he said nervously while scratching the back of his head. I couldn't believe this cute guy was acting nervous around me, me out of the people, maybe he's just shy.

"I'm Oliviana" I said looking into his beautiful happy eyes that made me forget the pervious pain mine held within. "Oliviana, I like that name its beautiful and very fitting. Nice to meet you Liv" he said. Gosh he's voice is so beautiful and sweet.

"Um thanks, hey I really got to go or I'm going to miss the bus" I said as I left him standing there. I was near the corner of the street, near the bus stop when I heard that beautiful voice again. "Hey maybe I'll see you again" he shouted as I turned the corner and got on the bus. The whole bus ride to school Delaney talked to me and asked me if I was mad at her but I reassured her that I wasn't mad at her I couldn't be she was being a good friend and protecting me. Once we got to school I was talking to my friends and they were talking about how they were doing fun stuff with their parents over the weekend. Listening to them finally hit me that my family were mad at me and nothing was ever going to be the same from now on.

I excuse myself from the group and went to the bathroom, once inside one of the stalls I let all the tears that I was holding in out. I wanted everything to go back, I NEEDED everything to go back to the way it was before I didn't even care about the strict rules I just missed my family, but on the other side I was still mad at my mom for all those years. School was hell I barely paid attention to what my teachers were saying, I just wanted it to be over. Four more days and well be off for spring break, even though I barely know what I'm going to be doing now since I wasn't talking to my family anymore. After the long awful day school was finally over so I decided to go to Delaneys after school since I had nothing to do at home. I spent most of the day at Delaney's just watching movies and talking about everything including the incident. It was around 7 at night when I started walking home from Delaney's, I was a minute away from my house when I got a message from my bestfriend Ali.

Bbg I just heard about what happened I'm sorry I wish I was in town


I loved my crazy besfriend but it always felt like there was something she was hiding but other then that she's the best.

Al's thanks baby for checking on me and I'm fine but my parents aren't talking to me tho. When r u coming back?


Ali and I've been friends since the beginning of middle school I met her when I started dating Adrian, which was in 6th grade. I met a lot of my friends through home mostly because he had a big family and cousins. I met Ali because she was friends with Adrian's older brother Jason. I've meet the most amazing people through him like the Sanchez brothers(his cousins), Marco and Ashton Sanchez. Even though Adrian's and I relationship didn't work out we're still friends since his older brother is one of my bestfriends. I was at the corner of my house when I realized that no one was at my house so of course me being the overemotional girl I am I started to cry again. What is wrong with you, you whimp! My mind kept screaming at me. As I wiped away my tears I heard my name being called. "Hey Liv wait up, are you okay?" the guy from this morning called out. Liv, only my closest friends called me that. "Um hey...." I was trying to remember his name when he spoke again "Damian". "Look Damian I can't really talk right now but it was nice talking to you again" I said suddenly all the nervousness coming back.

"Liv, are you sure you're okay? if not I've been told that I'm a great listener" he said sending me a wink. I couldn't help but thank God for giving me an olive time complication or I would have looked like a tomatoe. "Thanks again but I just meet you " I said trying to sound thankful. "Well I have to refuse your offer , I  been told to never leave a crying girl by herself" he said coming close and putting an arm around my shoulder. His beautiful eyes were the ones that made up my mind and got me to this situation, sitting on the couch inside Damian's house.


Another update!

what do you guys think is going to happen between them?

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