Chapter 48

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Mia finished up her work as she prepared for her lunch break.

As she made her way down to the café, she passed by Messiah's office, the door closed and the lights off. A knot formed in her stomach. They hadn't spoken since that morning, and the tension between them felt suffocating.

Mia entered the café and began to order her lunch on the kiosk, tapping the screen absentmindedly. She was lost in thought, her mind racing with memories of their last conversaction and the doubts that lingered. Just as she finished paying for her meal, she felt a presence behind her. She turned around to see Messiah looking down at her with his hands in his sweats pockets.

Mia hadn't realized how long she been staring at him until he interrupted her glance. "You done?" He asked referring to the kiosk

Mia couldn't get the words out she just scurried over to find her a table to eat at. She sat down at her table and watched as Messiah tapped through the kiosk as he ordered his food.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the café, cutting through the chatter. "Ms. Rodriguez, please exit the building or you will be escorted off."

Mia looked around, confused. She scanned her eyes toward the entrance of the building and saw the Google director, a police officer, and Madison

Madison angrily walked in front of the officer with her arms crossed. "YALL FIRING ME FOR WHAT?! I DIDNT DO SHIT WRONG!"

The officer said something to Madison, instructing her to keep walking.

"When yall have actual PROOF I DRUGGED somebody let me know. Other than that I will be suing yall motherfuckers" she said as she looked at the director who was also walking behind her.

Mia watched in silence as Madison continued to make a scene. Her heart raced, a mix of confusion and dread building inside her. Madison was being escorted out, but it didn't seem like she was going quietly. The whole café was now watching, even Messiah, who stood by the kiosk, shaking his head as he tried to ignore the madness unfolding.

"And bitch, your nigga was trynna fuck ME! Matter of fact..." Madison paused as whipped out her phone and started typing furiously, grinning like she had something planned. Mia's stomach twisted with unease. She had no idea what Madison was up to, but she knew it couldn't be good.

The police officer had now grabbed Madison's wrist and escorted her out of the building.

Mia glanced at Messiah again. He kept his focus on the kiosk, sliding his card to pay for his meal, but she could see the tension in his body.

A few moments later, Mia's phone buzzed. Her heart sank as she saw Madison had tagged her in a story. She quickly opened the app. The red circle around Madison's profile picture made Mia's stomach flip. She quickly opened the app, her fingers trembling as she tapped on Madison's story.

There it was.

The video.

Madison had posted a video from that night, the one Messiah claimed he didn't remember much of. The footage was grainy and kind of dark, but it was enough. It showed Messiah sitting in the backseat of the truck, his eyes half-open. Madison leaned into the frame, flashing a sly grin before licking the tip of Messiah's dick.

Madison wrote on the video: "no drugs 🤣just facts @sbmessiah @miajadee

She had tagged both Messiah and Mia. The entire office, the entire world, could see it now.

Mia's hands shook as she stared at her phone. Her pulse pounded in her ears, drowning out everything around her. She didn't know whether to cry, scream, or just disappear.

She couldn't stop watching the video over and over. With every watch, the knot in her throat grew bigger. She felt humiliated.

Phones buzzed all around her, and the whispers started. Mia could feel eyes on her from every direction, but it was Messiah's blank stare from across the room that made her blood boil the most. She wanted to believe him, had even started to feel bad for doubting him, but this? This was different. He let that shit happen.

Messiah got up and walked out of the café without saying a word, his face cold, like none of it mattered. No apology, no explanation, nothing. It was like he didn't care at all about how this was tearing her apart, making her look stupid in front of everyone.

Mia picked up her food from the counter, but the thought of eating made her sick. She sat down anyway, pushing the tray aside and staring at the wall, her mind racing. Fuck him, she thought. He knew what the fuck he was doing.

He had played her, just like Cj. All that talk about being drugged, about being a victim, it didn't matter now. This video was out there. Messiah let Madison get that close, let her make a fool of Mia in front of everybody. She couldn't be that dumb, not again. She couldn't let another nigga humiliate her like this.

Mia bit her lip, trying to swallow the lump in her throat, but the hurt and embarrassment were too much. She wiped at the tears before they could fall, refusing to break down in front of all these people.

He can have her, she thought, They deserve each other.

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