Chapter one

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Chapter one -

Zombies fricken zombies . I'm too young to die . Okay maybe not young per se but come on I'm 25 years old and have never even had a boyfriend . Now I'm faced with death . Well death soon any way. My legs are killing me . I glance behind me ... the one soccer mom zombie that was tailing me has now gained a friend . I try to pick up the pace but I can't remember the last time I ran this fast.

Probably not since I tried to get that gym membership and then went only like 6 times in that whole entire year before I just cancelled the subscription all together .

I shake my head " focus Damit ! Just got to get Home " I say aloud . It seems the only ones that can hear me now are the undead that's tailing me . Atleast that's all I can focus on as the soccer mom lets out a ungodly screech

I hurl some profanities her way but she doesn't seem to mind in fact her and her zombie friend just let out another screech in response . I make a turn at random trying to loose them . I run straight and am almost across the road when I feel myself loose my balance. My hands scrap across the concrete as soccer mom catches hold of my shoe . My croc luckily slips off in her haste ( thank god my shoes weren't in sports mode ) and I skid slightly from her .

As I glance back as I fall I surely think this is the end . I'm going to die before my life even began ...

And that's when a black Chevy impala rams right into soccer mom zombie making her go tumbling like she was a weed .

I don't have much time to be thankful as I get a face full of pavement as zombie number two comes at me . He rips out some of my hair as his teeth nash trying to get close to me . I manage to over power him just enough to flip to my back and hold him off with my remaining strength .

My arms feel like jelly holding him back — I know it's only been moments but it feels like an eternity .

A shot rings out . Perfect head shot . Zombie man goes limp and suddenly strong arms help me shove him off . In the next motion the man in a plaid shirt lifts me to my feet.
" thank you " I stutter out I only gave him a quick glance noting his short brown hair and his expression. I could clearly tell he looked like he'd been through hell but he gave me a reassuring smirk . He was cute and seemed trustworthy enough . That's all I could register before my mind went back to the zombies .

I glanced around wildly . Zombie soccer mom hadn't moved from her tumble . And zombie number 2 was still down for the count as well .

" thankyou" I finally said looking up as I did . He was tall . I was 5'7 so he was atleast 6 foot .

" get in the car more will me coming " he says motioning towards the black impala .

I don't have to be told twice . I open the passenger seat and get in quickly . The man waits until I'm safe in the vehicle before he slowly walks over to the drivers side .

He gets in and puts his gun on the middle console of the car . He seems the type to like to keep his gun close even if their wasn't zombies waiting to eat us .

The car starts with a satisfying rumble . It's only as I'm buckling that he takes his eyes off his surroundings and truly takes the sight of me in . I can feel his gaze looking me up and down .

I blush I must be a mess .

" crocs really ? " he laughs . His voice soothing in this scary situation.

I suddenly glance down at my feet " awwwwww crap !!! "
" I lost my shoe " I groan and my face goes into an angry pout .

He laughs . " really u need more sensible shoes !"

" hey crocs are good normally don't diss them ! " I say ready to argue ( though be it in a playful lighthearted sort of way )

" not really good for running from monsters though " he says

" it's not like I knew today was going to be the zombie apocalypse ! " I say exasperated

He chuckles again .

He goes series just for a moment " do you know anywhere we can lay low for the moment and regroup ? "

" oh um my house isn't far ... it's about 10 min from here "

He nods grateful to have some destination to head as I tell this stranger how to get to my house .

The mood lightens again as we drive .

" I'm Dean ... Dean Winchester by the way "

" Hello dean ..... " I murmur

He lets the silence hang waiting for my name ... my cheeks blush

I sigh " my names Bowie ". And before the comments start I add " my dad really liked 80s music "

" Bowie " he says with a grin "

" I love it " he adds chuckling . There's no way he doesn't notice how red my face has become

I clear my throat after awhile and try to clear the silence as we drive.

And more then silence I just want to change the subject

" so do you often have girls u just met in ur car ? "

He makes a surprised choking noise and glances at me before smirking
" I try not to make it a habit " ... he glanced me up and down again. " well usually "

A/n - authors note. Originally started writing this on ao3 . Will share on both sites for now :)
Original note as follows This is the first fanfic I have written on ao3 . lol so be warned !!! Haha. Let me know if u like it and I'll keep it going . I have some ideas but I'm a write as I go type of person

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