Chapter 3 - Pizza in a Apocalypse is Somehow Better

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Quick authors note - This episode is brought to you by Validation !!!!!! I got two likes !!! lol when I posted this to wattpad as well --so step up ur game ao3 !!!!!! hahhhahaahhahaIm writing as much as I can before I go to my mom's bday dinner .
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Chapter 3 - Pizza in a Apocalypse is Somehow Better

" Cass We didn't die" I yell

" Dean was just fighting our house cat " I giggle as I follow him down the stairs
As I reach the final step I see Castiel trying to figure out why Dean was fighting a cat. He utters nothing instead he gives dean and Ruby equal looks of utter disappointment.
I let out another laugh . Dean just lets out an exasperated sigh. We all proceed back to the kitchen now that the cat crisis was averted.

We decided to divide and conquer . Dean & Castiel have the job of boarding up the downstairs . As Dean and Castiel take the leaf insert from the table for one window and begin dragging the rest of the table to the other window, near the living room ... I am tasked to get us something to eat .

I plop Ruby on the counter " Don't worry I didn't forget"

" Meowwrrr meow" she replies as she sees me making my way to the cupboard and grabbing the cat food from the middle shelf. It opens with a click. I toss the lid and give her the whole can where she's perched on the counter . her lips instantly start smacking as she eats hungrily in big bites -- devouring her wet food so fast I'm beginning to wonder if she even breaths while doing so.

now that Ruby is fed. I grab all 10 cans from the cupboard and shove them in a plastic bag ... placing it somewhere for easy access in case I need to grab it quick .

" Don't worry I will grab ur other stuff later " I say to her , although she doesn't seem to care she's already greedily licking her lips and starts licking her paws clean.

I open the fridge which is still running fine as well as the lights , for now at least . Hmmm. I begin to scan the contents of the fridge and my eyes land on the large little Caesars pizza box . There is a god !!!! I grab it greedily . I open it up . A large pepperoni Pizza with only a few slices missing. I don't bother to try to heat it up . instead I build us a smorgus Borg of stuff , which I lay out on the coffee table . The couch is moved away now -- being used in a barricade of some sort ... its pushed against the front door .

I end up with the pizza , sliced peaches in a canning jar , some chips , and 2 litters of pop .

" is that pizza ?" dean says once Dean and Cass make the finishing touches on the barricading . At this point I'm already plopped on the floor infront of the coffee table -- crisscross apple sauce style . Ruby Is spread across my lap -- she had followed me instantly when she noticed I had more food.

" why yes come join me at this five star meal " I finish this sentence by spreading my arms in a wide gesturing motion ,

Dean Chuckles and Castiel smiles. They soon join me . Dean and me are at least a slice and another half in before we realize .

" Your not hungry ?" I ask concerned

" Ive never had Pizza before. " Castiel says . He looks alittle embarrassed to admit this to me.

" Never !?!?!" Me and Dean say at the same time

He just shakes his head .

" Oh my gosh Cass u got to try it " Dean encourages .

" okay " Castiel says as I hand him a slice as I grab another for myself as well .

Castiel casually bring it to lips and takes a bite. " mmmmhhhh Heaven" he groans . He hardly swallows his first bit before he takes another.

I grin at him . " I know Pizza is always good !"

" Wait try some peaches " handing him a fork and a jar . He tries that equally as exited .

" well what do u think ?"

" good but PIZZA " he says excitedly grabbing another slice in hast . A slice of pepperoni rolls off and lands near Cass's knee . Ruby takes that opportunity to make her way to Cass. Before she can get to the pepperoni Cass shoves it in his mouth ... Just like a kid would or maybe someone who just wasn't taught such things as manners or how to react in certain social situations.

Me and dean share a look of shock before we start dying of laughter.

" You can let her have a piece you know " I say between giggles

" really " cass says with questioning eyes

" yes just not to much " I reassure

He tosses her a piece of pepperoni . she eats it up happily . She licks her lips then stares at Cass just for a moment before she walks towards him , crawling on his lap and curling up . It's when she closes her eyes and begins to pur that its to much for dean to take.

" are you kidding ? " ... " I could have just fed the gremlin for it to like me !!" he rolls his eyes when he says this but he's smiling .

" Maybe u just Aren't as nice as Castiel" I tease. " oh hush" he says lightly shoving my arm . His hand is so warm.

" what's ur name " says Castiel interrogating the sleeping cat .

" she's asleep . Her name is Ruby " I answer in her place.
" Ruby" he murmurs with a smile.

It doesn't take to long ... by the time me and Dean have eaten are fill Castiel has Ended up on his back with Ruby curled up on his chest -- She had demanded such when she wanted to reposition herself. Now Cass and her were fast asleep .

" I didn't even know he slept " Dean says in a way I can tell he is being serious.

" what do u mean?" I say

" He's an angel" he says matter factly

I laugh loudly " how sweet "

Dean laughs rolling his eyes " never mind . Here let me help u clean all this up ." He stacks the pizza box on my arms as he grabs the rest. We walk into the kitchen were we can toss everything into the garbage . He throws his stuff first before grabbing the box from me and chucking it into the bin.

" here let me fix that " he says his hand lightly touching my cheek . My breath catches. His hand falls down just as fast as he had done it . I give him a nod having trouble with my words. He lightly grabs my wrist and pulls me toward the counter were I had left the first aid kit. He guides me to lean against the counter . He lets go of my wrist . He opens the the first aid kit. Neither of us says a word as he fixes me up . The only noise is our breathing , and castiel's distant snores. I thank god that he can't hear how fast my heart is beating. We had just met I know nothing about him and yet as he finally applies the antiseptic to my cheek , I can't help but crumble at his gentle touch.

" there " he says finally looking me in the eyes . His eyes are a beautiful green. My brown eyes stare back at him . He bring his arm towards my face again but instead of touching my cheek again he tucks my hair behind my ear. He seems to search my eyes for something . whatever answer he found he must have been satisfied . He cups the side of my face as he steals a kiss. His lips are warm like his hand. Unlike the hand which has a slight roughness to it his lips are so soft. The first kiss is brief but grows as he kisses me a again longer this time. I kiss him back somehow knowing what to do it seems.

My head is spinning from the passionate kissing before he finally pulls himself away . Though I think we both wish he hadn't.

" Lets take a look at this hand now " He grabs my hand gently before adding " I Know u have a wicked punch but Castiel has quite a thick head "

The humor tries to dissipate the tension. It does so only slightly .

He smirks as I smile .

My cheeks are burning. There's know doubt in my mind now ... he can totally see I'm blushing maybe he can even somehow hear how fast my heart is beating.

— A/N Authors note - When I said this episode ( aka chapter ) was brought to u by VALIDATION... well we also have another honorable mention ... this playlist I found called
" speedup cute core playlist" from YouTube hahahahah

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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