Chapter 12: Lingling's Stand

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The next few days after their conversation felt lighter, though still fragile, as if Orm and Lingling were testing the waters of their renewed commitment. Lingling noticed the effort Orm was putting in, showing up on time, texting her more frequently, and even planning a spontaneous picnic on a day off. Yet, Lingling couldn't help but feel like they were tiptoeing around a larger issue—an issue she knew they had to face head-on.

It was during one of their quieter moments together, sitting side by side on Lingling's couch, that she finally gathered the courage to bring it up. Orm was casually flipping through a photography magazine, but Lingling could feel the tension building inside her.

"I've been thinking," Lingling started, her tone measured yet resolute. Orm glanced up, sensing the seriousness in her voice, and set the magazine aside.

"About what?" Orm asked, her brows furrowing slightly, as if bracing for whatever was coming next.

Lingling took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "About us. About what we're doing here. I know we said we'd try, but I need to be honest about where I stand."

Orm shifted uncomfortably but nodded for Lingling to continue. There was something in Orm's expression—nervousness, perhaps—but also a willingness to listen, to not run.

"I can't keep doing this if you're not all in, Orm," Lingling said firmly, her voice steady but not unkind. "I've been thinking a lot about that night in the park, and everything we've talked about since. And while I appreciate that you're trying, I need to know if you're really serious about us."

Orm opened her mouth to respond, but Lingling held up a hand, gently stopping her. "Let me finish. I know you're scared of commitment, and I understand that this is different for you. It's new for me too. But I can't keep second-guessing where we stand every time something gets hard. I need you to be here—fully. Not just when it's convenient or when it feels easy."

Orm stared at her, the weight of Lingling's words sinking in. "I... I didn't realize you felt like that," she said softly, her voice laced with guilt.

Lingling nodded, her gaze softening. "I do. I've been trying to be patient because I care about you, Orm. But I also care about myself, and I won't stay in a relationship where I feel like I'm constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop."

Orm swallowed hard, clearly grappling with Lingling's ultimatum. "I don't want you to feel that way. I really don't. But I'm scared, Lingling. Every time I think about being with you for real, it feels... overwhelming. Like what if I mess it up? What if I hurt you?"

Lingling leaned forward, her voice gentle but unwavering. "We'll never know if you keep pulling away. Relationships are hard, Orm. There's always a risk of getting hurt. But that's part of it. That's what makes it real."

Orm looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her rings as if trying to make sense of her feelings. Lingling watched her, hoping—no, needing—Orm to understand that this was more than just a passing moment. This was about their future.

After what felt like an eternity, Orm finally looked up, her eyes filled with both fear and determination. "I don't want to lose you," she said quietly. "I've never wanted something this much, and that's what scares me the most. But you're right. I can't keep hiding behind my fear. I want to be with you, Lingling. For real. All in."

Lingling's heart fluttered at Orm's words, but she remained grounded. "I need more than words, Orm. I need to see that you mean it. I can't keep waiting around, hoping things will change. I need to feel secure in this."

Orm nodded, her expression solemn. "I get it. I'm ready to prove it to you. No more disappearing, no more pulling away. I'm going to show you that I'm serious."

Lingling allowed herself to smile, a small but hopeful one. "That's all I ask. Just... show up. That's all I've ever wanted."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation hanging in the air, but it wasn't as heavy as before. There was a shift—a real one this time. Lingling could feel it, and for the first time in weeks, she allowed herself to breathe, to believe that maybe, just maybe, they were both ready to fight for this.

"I'm not going anywhere," Orm said softly, reaching for Lingling's hand. "I promise."

Lingling squeezed her hand, the warmth of Orm's touch a small but reassuring gesture. "Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible but filled with hope. "Then let's figure this out. Together."

And with that, they sat together, hand in hand, both knowing that this time, they were stepping into something real—something worth fighting for.

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