The train puffed through the tunnel, and over a bridge, into Main Bully-Vard.
"Now entering, Main Bully-Vard Station" said the over head.
The team climbed down, and headed towards the square. There, they found the Mad Doctor commanding his Beetlewox with repairs.
"Hey Doc!" said Alex.
The Mad Doctor turned, and smiled at the group. However, Bendy just frowned at him
Mad Doctor: Bendy, you don't trust me, yes, I know.
I was an evil greedy toon, but that was long ago.
And now this Mad, Mad Doctor is no longer really mad.
(Bendy turns to Alex, who just shrugs)
I've turned myself around, if I could help you, I'd be glad.
But danger is coming, and Blotworx is their name.
The Blotlings made some weapons, it's a shame, yes, it's a shame.
The weapons, the earthquakes, it's not a happy day.
(Mad Doctor falls onto Esther and Gus, who push him off)
Wasteland is in danger, I would say.
Alex: (Speaking) Hey Doc, you okay?
(Mad Doctor stares at Alex, wanting him to sing)
Alex: (sigh)
(Singing) Doc, are you okay?
Mad Doctor: I'll drop Beetleworx off, there's much they need to mend.
We're off to help the other lands.
Til then, good luck my friends.
The Mad Doctor then takes off, with Esther saying, "I still don't trust him."
Gus looked at the others, and said, "I think the first order of business is to get the projectors working again. Last I heard, Steve was in Main Bully-Vard North, he'll know what to do!"
"You boys and girls go on ahead," said Esther, "I'll wait here for the Al's Town Projector to be back and working."
"I think I'll stay around as well," said Boris, "This place looks interesting. Besides, I believe there are a few old friends I need to catch up on."
Boris walked off, as Alice said, "I think I'll stay with Esther. I often become a Damsel in Distress during adventures like this. I'd rather be safe."
"Just be careful," said Esther, "I just know the Mad Doctor is up to something."
Alex then kissed Esther's cheek, and she said, "Good luck everyone!"
Bendy was still looking up at the sky, and he asked, "Alex, do you really think the Mad Doctor's turned good?"
"I sure hope so Bendy," said Alex, "I really do."
"So, what's the deal with these projectors?" asked Slithers.
"Basically, they're portals to help us get from point A, to point B in a sense," said Bendy.
"Interesting," said Slither, "but, just look at this place."
"I know," said Bendy, "I didn't think Main Bully-Vard would be this... broken."
"Well, it's gotten worse since the main quake," said Susie.
"Indeed," said Gus, "All the aftershocks have caused all the Thinner to come up, and the building to crumble even more. If we're going to find Steve, we need to go to the Underground. It's the fastest way there."
As they walked through, many toons saw Bendy, saying, "He's back!/Bendy's here!/He's with Alex!/They'll save us!"
So, our heroes made it to the Underground, seeing that there were some Blotlings, mainly, Searchers.
"Searchers," said Gus, "Lowest class of Blotlings."
Bendy was quick, and flung globs of paint towards the Searchers. After that, Alex jumped up, spinning his arms about like a helicopter, and everyone held on to him, as they glided across the gap.
When they landed, an animatronic burst from the ground, and pounded his fists together. Tom held one of the fists back, only to get punched into the wall.
"TOM!!" cried Allison.
"I've got this!" said Susie, she then threw an axe at it, making the top pop off, and revealed a spatter.
"A Spatter?! Inside that thing!?" exclaimed Gus, as Bendy shot one of the Guardians he attracted, "But how? and who would do such a thing?"
"That's what I wanted to know," said a voice.
It was another Goblin, coming out, saying, "I was just doing some work down here, when that thing just appeared and attacked. Anyway, thanks for helping me. I can get the balloon ready for crossing between North and South of Main Bully-Vard. First time will be free for ya, but I'll charge you next time."
So, the balloon was made, and everyone headed up to the ground above. There, they found a Stickman similar to Alex, only he had a helmet on, with a black visor over where his eyes would be. Seeing the group, he said, "Welcome back Bendy! I've heard of your tale of defeating the Ink Demon with Alex and the others here. Wait... if you're here, then, that could mean that Wasteland is in peril again!?!"
"Actually," said Allison, "We're trying to get the projectors up and running again. Gus says we need to get to Rainbow Caverns."
Steve put down his futuristic tools, and looked around. He motioned them to come closer to him. He then whispered, "One might think that the quake was responsible for the projectors going down, right? But that's just it, the main sub station in Rainbow Caverns went down BEFORE the quake."
"What?" asked Gus, in shock.
"Strange, isn't it?" asked Steve, "If you're heading to Rainbow Caverns, then you will need to head over to Al's Town, and enter the D.E.C."
"The Rainbow Caverns were one of the first attractions built in Wasteland," said Gus, "We should talk to Prescott to see how bad it is."
"But to reach it, you'll need to take the Dahl Engineering Corridors, or D.E.C. for short. Just be aware, one wrong step, could be your last. Good luck."
Steve then packed up, and went on lunch break.
"Sadly," said Gus, "The Main entrance is blocked by rubble. There is a second way, but it is guarded by a Crocodile known as Dile. He's often mischievous and will not be willing to let us through without a fee."
"Like what?" asked Bendy.
Epic Bendy 2: The Power of Friends
AdventureAfter the Ink Demon has been defeated, Wasteland is in trouble once more! The Mad Doctor is back, and says that he is a reformed man. There are also strange creatures, called Blotworx. So, Bendy come back, but with some company. So, Bendy, the Litt...