The car ride

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A/n: Don't play the song okay?!

They got in a BIG Van, because they are many people Chan asked: "Can we all even stay at your house?" Kimia,Y/N, Ivy,Jeongin,Felix and Seungmin started to giggle. "Why are you giggling?" Chan asked "Cause we all know how big there 'house' is" Jeongin said. They lived in a mansion the cause is the jobs their parents have "Their parents are the CEOs of 'Taheri industry' and their grandparents are having over 20 hotels just in Germany!" Seungmin said "No you're kidding" Minho said.  Seungmin said in a slightly annoyed tone: "Do I look like I'd need to do that? I don't need to lie about something like that." "Period" Changbin said in a high pitched voice. Y/n asked :"Can we just play music?" She already connected her phone to the 

"What next?" Y/n asked with a glow in her eyes she is always having in them when she is listening to music. Kimia looked at her and mouthed:" Deep Throat" "You know what I already have an idea

(Js tip on the first song) The guys heard the first line and were embarrassed as fuck... Kimia started vibing and Y/n had her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud at the expressions on the young men's faces . She couldn't take it any longer so she burst out laughing and Kimia too. The boys felt more embarrased as the girls continued laughin

(A/n: Not gonna lie I feel kinda sorry for the boys T_T) "Okay okay I stop now" y/n said still out of breath because of laughing. "My innocent ears will never unhear this" "Ivy" y/n said a bit more serious "you just have one ear like us!" "Ouch" Ivy acted really hurt and fake cried. "Aww my poor baby is crying?" Jeongin asked her and hugged her, she wraps her arms around his waist, it looks so natural, and hugs him tightly.

 "Ewwwwwwww" Seungmin said and made a real digusted face. The love birds didn't care. By that Time Y/n already played 'Cardigan' by Taylor Swit( a/n: can we talk abt the fact that this song is gorgeous🥹) and hugged Felix and he just smiled and she had butterflies in her stomach. After some years of this relationship both of them still get butterflies and their hearts beat faster if the other one is around.


Felix and I just cuddled when he whispered into my ear the sweetest things he could've probably say: "Babe I know I don't say it often, I love you so much though. And I can't imagine a life without you. I know that I may not be the best boyfriend but I try to improve everyday" he kissed my neck when I cuddled more into his chest "Oh and I want kids" "And how many?" "Four, three daughters and one son." he looked like a real inocennt kid that does not even know where kids are from. I started laughing" Maybe... You know that my body will look like a mess each time I get a kid right?" "You also look like a mess when I fuck you. And then yo u  look really hot. Ohh I don't know why but I just got horny." He said in his deep voice while moaning a bit 'cause my hand slightly touched his dick. "When are we at the hotel?"he asked the others louder

"We are there" said the driver. I said with a big smile on my face:"Thank you so much." "No prob" we were talking in german so just me, Kimia and Ivy could understand everything. We left them totally chanfused and we loved it. 

~Time Skip~ 

I was going out of the shower when suddenly...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2024 ⏰

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