•Two•Time to go lie•

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Dean nods his head to ACDC as he zips down the backroads of Massachusetts.
"So where are we headed again?" Dean asks.
"Shelburne Falls." Castiel informs.
"Alright." Dean sighs as he steps on the gas slightly. They head up to Northern Massachusetts to Shelburne Falls.

Dean pulls into the motel parking lot and shifts the car into park.
"I'll go sign us in." Dean says. Castiel nods. Dean slips out of the car. Castiel doesn't have his grace anymore. He lost is again. Dean keeo forgetting thar he doesn't have it. That Castiel needs to sleep. Dean opens the door and goes to the front desk.
"Hello." Say a voice in a flat tone.
"Hi. Uh. Double." Dean says.
"Seventy five dollars, please." The voice says. The voice sounds familiar. The man behind the counter stands up as Dean slides money out of his wallet and slaps it on the counter. The man has dirty blonde hair and honey-amber coloured eyes.
"Ugh. Gabriel." Dean scoffs.
"Nice to see you too, Dean." Gabriel snarls back. Gabriel tosses Dean a set of keys.
"What ar you doing here anyway?" Dean asks.
"This is my job. I'm guessing you are working a case alone?" Gabriel's assumption makes Dean stiffen.
"I'm here with your brother." Dean growls in a low voice.
"De-" Dean slams the door shut and cuts off Gabriel.
He walks back to the Impala and Castiel joins him as Dean looks at the room number. 83. Sam was born in 1983. Dean smirks and unlocks the room. He flicks on the lights.
"Here we are. Home for a few days." Dean says.
"Yep." Castiel nods. He sits uncomfortably on the edge of the bed.
"Cas, come here." Dean whines. Cas stands up and walks over to Dean.
"Still hurts, doesn't it?" Dean asks.
"My wings were virtually torn off, Dean. So yeah, it hurts." Cas says with a snarky tone. Dean slides Castiel's trenchcoat off his shoulders gently and hangs it in the closet. He slides off his leather jacket that he still has after all these years and hang it next to Castiel's coat. I'll get the stuff." Dean says as he watches Castiel slide the layers of clothing he has off until he is left in Dean's ACDC t-shirt.
"Okay." He mummbles. Dean walks to the Impala and gathers their stuff and grabs some ammo from the trunk before locking up the Impala and trudging back to the hotel room. He drops the stuff on the floor and sets the laptop on the table with care.
"Why do you do that?" Castiel asks as Dean closes the door.
"Do what?" Dean turns around giving Castiel a confused look.
"Treat the computer like a peice of solid gold." Castiel points out.
"It's Sam's." Dean says looking at the floor and stripping the layers of clothing he has until he is left in his black v-neck t-shirt and jeans. He slips his shoes off and walks over to the bed. He lays on it and puts his head on his arms.
"Goodnight, Dean." Castiel says. Dean slides off the bed and flicks the light off. He flops back on the bed.
"G'night, Cas." Dean says and flips onto his stomach. Goodnight, Sammy. Dean thinks. Like he does every single night. After that he silently slips into a dreamless sleep.

Dean wakes up to a slight shaking of his shoulder. He rolls over and sees Cas's blue eyes filled with fear. Dean slides to one side of the bed and Castiel lays on the bed next to him.
"This time?" Dean questions drowsily.
"Being tortured." Castiel says breifly.
"Mm." Dean hums as he drapes his arm over Castiel's middle and slides back to sleep.

Dean wakes up to a rumble of thunder outside. He groans as he rubs his eyes. Castiel is laying facing Dean. Dean's chin rests on Castiel's chin. Cas's arms are tucked inbetween them and Dean's arm is under his head. Dean smiles as Cas rolls onto his back and rubs his eyes.
"Nice hair." Dean comments. Castiel gives Dean a disapproving look.
"Yeah, yeah. I got it." Dean complains. Castiel watches as Dean silently makes coffee. Castiel slides out of bed and stumbles a bit but catches himself on the wall. Dean walks past Castiel and shoves a cup of hot coffee into his hand. Castiel sips it gratefully as Dean sits at the table and opens the computer. He goes the the recent news.
"5 families from the same neighbourhood all die by being murdered. Stab wounds to the back of the neck." Dean says and takes a swig of his coffee.
"So a Wraith?" Cas mummbles.
"Seems like it." Dean says.
"Easy." Cas claims as he drops into a chair next to Dean.
"Tell me about it." Dean sighs as he shut the computer.
"We should be done this case by today." Cas points out. Dean gives Cas an 'are-you-joking-me' look.
"Well. Throw your suit on and for god sake, this time, don't forget your badge." Dean scolds as he sets his cup on the counter. Castiels rolls his eyes and takes his suit out of his bag. He switches out his clothes and stares at the blue silk tie. Dean walks out of the bathroom as he buttons the cuff links on his shirt. He walks over to Castiel with a smile and takes the tie out of his hands and ties it professionally around Cas's neck and looses it slightly.
"There ya go." Dean says and grabs the keys from the table.
"Time to go lie?" Castiel asks. Dean smirks. That's something from Dean and Cas's first case together.
"Time to go lie." Dean confirms.

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