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"It's time," Robert says, forcing the crumpled piece of paper into my hands. "What do you mean it's time?" I turn and look at him, my eyes wide. "All seven names are on the paper, you must go find them before they do. I trust you'll have no troubles?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulls me up and tosses my jacket towards me, getting out my large suitcase and all of my belongings.

"No, it's too soon, they're not ready," I protest, trying to hand the paper back to him. He stands up and grabs both of my shoulders roughly, looking into my eyes. "What did I just say, Annaliese? I said it's time, so that means it's time," He turns back to continue shoving my clothing into the suitcase while I stare at him. "Rob, they aren't ready. If I force this upon them just imagine what would happen. They wouldn't know what to do with themselves, they'll all self-destruct," I say, trying to change his mind.

"Annaliese I don't think you understand. It's them. They know where I am and if you don't leave soon they're going to know where you are too, and then they're going to use your connection to the others to find them as well, is that what you want?" He looks up at me and I shake my head. "Exactly." He pulls a big wad of cash out of his pocket and forces it into my hands. "You have to get out of London," He says, zipping up my suitcase and putting it on the floor. "Get on a plane, go somewhere very far away. Don't try to contact me or tell me where you're going, I don't want to know, not with the possibility of them finding you through me." I pick up my suitcase as he ushers me toward the door.

"When will I see you again?" I try to turn around but his hand on my shoulder stops me. "I'm not sure but, Annaliese; promise me you won't try to find me? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you," I can feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and I take a deep breath. "I promise." He sighs in relief and kisses the nape of my neck lightly, "Goodbye, Annaliese." I quickly turn around in hopes of getting a glimpse of him before he leaves, but by the time I've turned he's already gone. The only thing I see is an apartment with nothing but a mattress and a lamp in the corner.

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