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9:30 am, Rehersal Day 1

"No no no, it's like this...okay? Not this. No. This."

Minho was becoming frustrated, Jisung wasn't a dancer, so he wasn't doing the moves correctly, he was actually doing them better than correctly.

Since Jisung's fluid dancing style fit this choreography better, it made Minho look like his moves were too sharp. Eventually, after a bit of practice, Minho perfected the moves.

"Fuck you."

Jisung blurted out of nowhere while they were taking a water break. The staff in the room caught on but didn't comment, giving an awkward side eye instead.

"What's this all about?" Minho asks with a smirk.

Jisung takes off his hat, throwing it on the floor, "You're such a good dancer that it's annoying." He scoffs.

"Well you're not a dancer sweetheart. Either way, we each have different flows and styles that make our dancing unique, yours is excellent, you just don't realize it yet." Minho said genuinely, going to take off his shirt but quickly putting it back in place.

He was so used to dancing alone in his free time, it was a habit, so much that he almost forgot there was people in the room.

Jisung stared up at him for an extra moment from his position on the floor. "I didn't tell you to lie to me but whatever."

"Alright boys, from the top."

Minho and Jisung scurried over to the center of the room, moving fluidly as the beats of the music began to fill the room. Minho danced more with the music, feeling the beat, while Jisung danced with emotion, understanding the lyrics and going with that.

1:00 pm, Break time

Chests heaving, Minho and Jisung left the studio, their legs nearly shaking. The choreography to the song was very mutual, which surprisingly, Minho seemed to mind more than Jisung.

"Want coffee?" Minho asked, throwing on a light jacket and lookinv expectantly at Jisung.


"Alright let's go." Minho grasped Jisung's wrist and tugged him out of the building, leaving no room for argument. "What kind of coffee do you like?" Minho asked, trying to spark up some conversation.

All he knew was he hated small talk, and left it at that.

Jisung pursed his lips, looking down at Minho's for a moment extra. "I...I dunno, I don't really like coffee. I guess I just like a lot of creamer in mine." Jisung said with a small giggle.

The walk to the shop began awkwardly and was tense, but as time went on, the two boys seemed to calm down, now they were walking side by side, not minding eachother's company, basking in the warm sun and cool air of the fall.

Halfway there, Jisung tapped on Minho's shoulder. Minho turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "Selfie." Jisung said simply, pointing to his phone.

Nodding, Minho leaned in to the frame, holding up a peace sign and smiling, their smiles were blocked because of their masks.

Although a simple glance at their eyes and you could see their happiness.

Jisung posted the picture with a smile, and it quickly blew up. Some comments suspected they were dating, others were said the selfie was forced by their companies, and some just simply showed appreciation.

They arrived at the cafe, Minho had placed their orders online while they were walking to avoid any contact with anyone. If anyone noticed them together, it could risk their collab album getting predicted, even though people always predicted Minho and Jisung would collaborate.

With a simple, "thank you." , Minho took their drinks and led Jisung to an empty table on the second floor of the shop, sitting at a table near the window.

"I believe this one is yours." Minho said with a grin, passing Jisung his cup of [pretty much]  milk.

Shyly, he took the cup, embarrassed that he didn't order a proper coffee, but it didn't appeal to his taste buds.

Minho opened his straw and popped it in his drink. Minho had gotten a dalgona coffee, the color wasn't too dark, it looked nice. Hesitantly, Jisung asked, "Can I have a sip?"

Before Minho's lips could meet the straw, he pulled back, nodding and passing the cup to Jisung, whose eyes lit up when he tasted the coffee. It was sweet, not bitter like other drinks, and there was the perfect amount of milk to coffee.

Minho watched the way Jisung drank from the straw, like the coffee was a necessary nectar. The corners of Minho's mouth curled up.


He thought.

"You like it? You can have it." Minho said, reaching out to take Jisung's drink.
"Nuh-uh, you wanted this drink, so I want you to have it." Jisung insisted, pushing Minho's cup back.

He stared at his unopened cup of coffee, well...milk.

"I'll be right back." Jisung said out of the blue, standing up and walking down the stairs to the first floor, where the desk was.

Nervously, he approached the counter, and a lady came up to greet him. "Hi, I was wondering if I could exchange this for a dalgona coffee?" Jisung asked, holding up his drink.

"I'm sorry sir, we cannot do that for you."

She said, shaking her head like it was obvious and he should've never asked. As Jisung was about to turn around,

he bumped into someone.

"Oof...I'm so sor- ry...?"

His voice trailed off as he saw the familiar face infront of him.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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