The mission

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Cody's Diary

"Yes, that Noah. The same one from TD. I'm so happy to have him back. I've missed him strangely... I'm talking about his humor, nothing else. Anyway... the beginning of our cooperation went... with his usual attitude. "Great... I knew whoever walked through that door was going to be a kid." he said, 'Hey!', 'I remind you that you have the reputation of being the most immature person in Total Drama.', 'And where did that come from?' 'From my mouth.', then he paused for a moment before adding "Well, since I have no choice, we're going to work together. 2 rules: we don't talk to each other and you stay back all the time", I wanted to answer, but as soon as I started to open my mouth, Noah was gone. Is it just me, or is this off to a bad start?"

Noah's diary

"Yes, that Cody. The same one from TD. I couldn't have asked for anything more immature... I told him the 2 most important rules: don't talk to each other and stay behind. It may be harsh, but it's important to make things clear. I still tried to go and see management (although we never see the boss, he can talk to us through his office door) to try and change team-mates. The answer was obviously no. But the boss said we'd soon have our 1st joint mission. As if Cody was prepared for a mission when he had it all on the line and refused the infiltration test. There was nothing complicated about the tests. I just skipped the sports tests because, as we all know, sports aren't my strong point."

Cody's diary

"I was getting my bearings in the Nest and thinking about the cooperation I'll have with Noah. He looks even better than I remember. Wow, what am I writing here? The only drawback to this diary... is that it's handwritten, not digital! I can't erase what I've just written. But, what I meant by "more beautiful" is that... how can I put it? Uh... oh, the Drama Brothers are calling me. I guess it didn't matter what I said in that diary!"

Noah's diary

"Time to eat! Anyway, I'm staying in my quarters getting ready for my next mission. And also, having to babysit this kid Cody. I wanted to be left alone, but of course, that's when the mission order was slipped under my door. I deciphered the message right away, but I wanted to see how Cody was doing. I didn't want to break the rules we'd established, so I slipped the sheet under his quarters, but soon discovered we'd be sleeping together. It's a bad joke, I guess..."

Cody's diary

"After dinner, I went to my quarters. I've been told I'll be sleeping with Noah, which is so nice! Well, good in the sense that we'll get closer more easily. Closer in the sense of friendship, nothing else! When I arrived, Noah wasn't there. He must have gone out for some fresh air. I noticed a sheet of paper in the doorway. I read it and realized it was a mission order, but I couldn't decipher the rest. Luckily, Noah soon returned and I asked him for help. "It's not complicated, damn it!" he said, "Really? What does it say, then?" I asked, 'We've got time before the next mission, so I'll agree to explain.'. Then Noah explained how to decipher the message. No sooner had he seen the message than he knew what it said. He did admit to me that he deliberately made me find the message to test myself, but that doesn't change his incredible intelligence. He's so perfect! Uh... always a team player, nothing else."

Noah's diary

"Cody had found the mission order but, of course, he couldn't decipher it. He broke the no-talking rule and asked me for help. I agreed, because it's better to have a teammate who knows how to do something basic. So I explained to him how to decipher the message. However, Cody seemed to be concentrating on something else, looking away and blushing. I pointed it out to him, saying "Say, do you want to marry the wall or what?", "Huh? What?", "I'm just saying because you keep looking at the wall behind me. Can't you concentrate a little? This is a serious mission. Do you even understand?", "Yes, yes. Our mission is to stop an organization that's planning to attack all the major institutions. But I do have one question. How did our superiors find out about this? I mean, we don't even know the name of the organization", "Have you forgotten what business we're in? Besides, we've installed spyware all over the world. The organization's name is encrypted and, without the decryption key, we can't do anything else. The plans for the massive attack were in the organization's network, which is how they knew they were going to attack. It's not complicated!", 'Uh... yes, it is.', "Oops, it must be complicated for a kid. I mustn't forget to adapt to you", "Hey! Then I left first on this mission, but unfortunately, Cody followed me."

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