Animal Planet

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Chappie 6 - Animal Planet

-Harry's POV-

Micah .....

She was cute, that's for sure.

And she sure knew how to pack a punch, just ask Louis!

But .......

Oh, just give up Harry!

You heard her on the phone, she has a boyfriend!

His names Brian!

For goodness sake, they even said that they love each other!

What else do you need to see to know that she's obviously gunna turn you down?



I don't need to see anything, because there really is nothing else to see.

Then again, she didn't answer the question, so maybe .....

Harry, give up!

I mean, she called him honey!

No one does that unless he's a bee!

Haha, get it?

Because she called him honey- and bees make- and it just .....

Eh, forget it.

-le sigh-

But what if she was single? Would I still want her? I like her, but I don't want her .... yet.

Besides, Its too soon to know anything for sure.

For all I know, she could be a lesbian, or even a alien!


Okay Harry, what the hell did you put in your tea?

I shook my head, my dark Brown curls bouncing along. I am so damn mental sometimes, I think I get it from Louis.....

Come to think of it, where's my boobear anyway?

I walked out of my room, looking down the hallway before going to the door across from my own door.

I knocked our secret code, believe me, I don't even know why we have one, but Louis insisted.

Well .... more like blackmailed me.

He said he would kill every cat in the world if I didn't agree, and me being the lovely person I am, saved the cats.

No need to thank me, now you can watch Animal Planet in peace.

The door swung open, showing a very hyper Louis and a very pissed off Tasha.

"Hey Tasha, I was wond-"

"He's all yours", she said before running out the door.

"FREEEEDOOOOMMMMM", she yelled as she ran down the stairs. I chuckled, Louis isn't that bad today ...... is he?

"Hello Love, how's it going", he asks while jumping on the couch.

"Loooo ...... are you alright?", I ask, backing away from him as he came closer.

"Yeah, what about you?", Louis asked, putting his hand on my forehead.

"Boobear, I'm not sick .... I just wanna talk", I say pushing his hand away.

"Oh, well go on, share your feelings with Uncle Louis", he said, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to him.

"Well ..... ", I drawl out, kinda scared of what I was gunna admit.

"Sshh, Its okay, just ....... just tell me where he touched you", Louis said softly,patting my hand.

-Le facepalm-

"LOUIS!", I cried, shoving his hands away.

"What?", he asked dumbfounded.

"I wasn't touched!", I exclaim throwing my arms around in a exaggerated way.

"Oh ...... so what did you w-KEVIN! YOU'VE CAME BACK! I'VE MISSED YOU, YOU FREAK OF NATURE!", Louis yelled, running over to the window. I looked out the window, and sure enough, there on the other building next to us, stood a bird.

Not just any a bird.

It was a pigeon.

" ..... Okay Loo ...... well ..... I'm gunna go now .....", I say, slowly making my way back to the door.

You see, whenever Louis see's a pigeon, he absolutley goes mad. Its kinda like .... an activation code for his man period. It scary, really. I start to slowly turn the knob ..... he may not hear me, but he can still smell fear.

Right after I've gotten the door open, Louis looks at me with a scary look before I run out and close the door.


That was close.

As I walk towards my door, I realise something. I never told him my problem.

Authors Note:


Just to let you know, I had to search up if you spell the word like 'realize' or 'realise'.

I went through about 40 documents with that word in it.

I literally wasted like 20 minutes of my life.

.......... I'm a slow reader.

Anyways, I was thinking ....... I love you guys :)

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