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The next day, Sage found herself in the Hogwarts library, seated at a small table near the towering shelves. She hadn't been able to focus during her classes, her mind too preoccupied with her conversation with Sebastian the night before. The emotions, the vulnerability—they had been overwhelming. But even after all that, there were still so many unanswered questions. Her heart told her one thing, but her mind warned her to be cautious.

She was scanning the same page in her book for the third time when she heard a familiar voice beside her.

"Sage, you've been staring at that same page for ages."

She looked up to see Ominis standing near her, his wand glowing faintly as he navigated the space. His brow was furrowed in concern, and his usual calm demeanor seemed slightly off.

Sage closed her book and smiled softly. "You can't even see what I'm reading."

Ominis tilted his head, his lips curling into a wry smile. "Thank you for the subtle reminder of my blindness. I do still have working ears that can hear when you turn a page. I'd venture a guess that your thoughts are occupied by a certain someone."

She sighed, leaning back in her chair. "You could say that."

Ominis sat down across from her, folding his hands on the table. "I can hear it in your voice. Sebastian?"

Sage nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see the gesture. "We talked last night. Really talked. About everything—why he left, what he's been going through since Anne died. It's just... there's a lot to process."

Ominis leaned forward slightly, his face thoughtful. "I'm not surprised. You both have unresolved things between you, and neither of you are particularly good at leaving things unspoken."

Sage smirked. "He told me he was scared. Of losing me. Of losing you. Of letting us in. I think he's finally starting to open up."

"Sebastian never was one to easily share his feelings, not even with Anne. He'd always bottle them up until they'd come out in the worst ways." Ominis sighed. "I'm glad he's at least trying with you."

Sage studied Ominis for a moment. "How do you feel about him being back? Really?"

He hesitated, his expression tightening. "It's complicated. Sebastian was my best friend, and a part of me is relieved that he's returned. I wanted him to come back, but..."

"But what?" Sage pressed, sensing the conflict in his voice.

"But I don't trust that he's changed," Ominis admitted, his voice quieter now. "I know him too well. He's impulsive, reckless, and when it comes to the people he loves, he doesn't always think clearly. Anne's death was a devastating blow, and I fear he still hasn't fully dealt with it."

Sage bit her lip, considering his words. "He talked about Anne last night. He told me how much he regrets everything, how he feels like he failed her. That guilt is eating him alive."

Ominis frowned, his fingers tracing the edge of the table absently. "I've no doubt he's grieving. But Sebastian has always been haunted by guilt. He's carried it since he killed their uncle, and Anne... she never forgave him for it."

Sage's chest tightened at the mention of the incident that had torn the three of them apart. The death of Solomon Sallow had cast a shadow over their friendship ever since.

"When Sebastian feels he's lost everything," Ominis continued, "he doesn't always make the best choices. His obsession with the dark arts was born out of that need to fix things, to save her at any cost. I'm worried that being back here, around us, will stir up those same impulses."

Sage looked down at her hands. Ominis' concerns were valid, but she didn't want to believe that Sebastian would fall back into old habits. "I don't think he wants to go down that path again. At least, I hope not."

Ominis leaned forward, his sightless eyes searching the space as if trying to gauge her reaction. "I understand that you want to believe the best in him, Sage. I do too. But we both know Sebastian better than anyone. He hides his true feelings, and when he's in pain, he can become dangerous—both to himself and to others."

Sage felt a pang of uncertainty. "You think I should keep my distance?"

"I think you should be careful," Ominis said gently. "You've been through enough already. After everything that happened with Ranrok and Professor Fig, I don't want to see you dragged into something that could hurt you more."

Sage's mind flashed to the power she had absorbed during the battle with Ranrok—the ancient magic that still surged within her, uncontrollable and untamed. It was a constant reminder of the danger that lay dormant inside her, a burden she hadn't yet shared with anyone. Not even Ominis.

"I appreciate that you're looking out for me," she said, offering him a small smile. "But I think Sebastian deserves a chance. He's been through hell, and maybe this time he's ready to make things right."

Ominis let out a long breath, leaning back in his chair. "I hope you're right, Sage. I really do."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation hanging between them. Sage appreciated Ominis' honesty, even if it made her question her own hopes for Sebastian. Part of her knew Ominis was right to be cautious—Sebastian had always walked a fine line between right and wrong. But another part of her, the part that still cared deeply for him, wanted to believe that he could find his way back from the darkness.

"Do you think he'll stay this time?" Sage asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ominis tilted his head, considering her question. "I don't know. It depends on what he's truly after. If he's here to heal, to make amends, then maybe. But if he's looking for something else... I'm not sure."

Sage swallowed hard, the apprehension in her chest growing. "I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Ominis reached out, his hand finding hers on the table. "Whatever happens, I'm here for you. We all are. Just... don't carry too much of this alone."

Sage squeezed his hand in return, grateful for his steady presence. "Thank you, Ominis."

As they sat together in the quiet of the library, Sage couldn't shake the feeling that things were far from resolved. Sebastian's return had opened old wounds, but it had also rekindled something she had long buried—a hope that they could move forward, together.

But as Ominis had said, nothing with Sebastian was ever simple. And Sage knew that the road ahead would be filled with difficult choices, not just for Sebastian, but for herself as well.

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