Academic Autobot

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"Ultra Magnus with Optimus Prime," Ultra Magnus said. Y/N walked over to the computer and pulled up Ultra Magnus' picture. "What's up Commander?" Optimus asked. "I have a bulletin for the entire sector about an escaped convict," Ultra Magnus replied. Then an image of a green robot appeared. "This Autobot traitor was caught spying for the Decepticons," Ultra Magnus said. "Wasp?!" Bumblebee and Y/N exclaimed. They both remembered the moment they met and Wasp

(In the Past)

A Murder Drone was standing there listening to the recording. "All cadets are to report to the assembly area in ten cycles! That's it!" the recording said. She was the only Murder Drone to join the Elite Guard, she wanted to become a weapons specialist, of course it was rare to see a Drone trying to join the Elite Guard due to the great war that happened between Autobots, Drones and Decepticons, but things between Autobots and Drones calmed down and they fixed their differences. She sighed but saw a yellow Bot. "Are you joining?" He asked. When the bot turned to look at her he blushed heavily at her, she was beautiful she looked like a beautiful angel ... she had to be his ~ ... "Oh yeah! I'm an Elite Guard," the yellow bot says confidently. "Ha! In your dreams, a subcompact. You won't even reach the required height" a green bot says dismayed. "That's not very nice," says the Drone taking a step forward. "Well, you're not a luxury shuttle either," says the yellow bot, measuring himself against the green bot. “In fact, it seems we were both created from the same protoform mold,” the yellow bot continued. “Poor sad robot. It doesn’t matter how you were created, but who you know,” the green bot said. Bumblebee moved a little closer. “So who should a robot around here know?” the yellow bot asked. “I’ll give you a hint. It’s not you,” the green bot replied. He then looked at the Murder Drone standing next to him. “What’s a beautiful robot like you doing with a subcompact like him?” the green bot asked her. He then pushed the yellow bot away, causing him to fall to the ground. He grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his. “What do you say I introduce you to some real robots?” the green bot flirted. He then started to push her away, but she pulled her hand away and walked over to the yellow bot. “Thanks. But no thanks,” the female Drone said, helping the yellow bot up. "You're gonna miss it, beautiful," the bot whispered, stepping between her and the other bot and caressing her cheek. The yellow bot then pushed the other one away. "Stop it!" the yellow bot shouted angrily. "You can't tell me what to do, subcompact!" the green bot shouted back. "Please stop," the female drone said. "See you later, sweetie." the green bot smiled as she walked away. The female drone looked at the yellow bot. "Are you okay?" the female drone asked. He nodded. "Yeah, but I could have beaten that cocky guy," he says throwing a few punches in the air. The female murder drone laughed. "I better go," the female murder drone says and started walking away. "Bye!" she says.


"Do you know this robot?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Yes sir, he's a jerk. He hates me," Bumblebee replied. Ultra Magnus looked at Y/N and asked, "And where do you know him?" "At the Autobot camp Sir" Y/N answers.

(In the past)

The rest of the cadets were gathered around an orange bot with a silver plate on its chest. The green bot was seen trying to hit it. "Hey guys! Can I try?" the yellow bot asked as he approached. They both started laughing at the yellow bot and walked away. The yellow bot sensed someone approaching and stood next to him. “You know. They probably won’t let you do it because they know you can destroy it easily,” the female Murder drone says, loud enough for the others to hear. “Hey, little buddy! Can you scan a picture of me with these tall buildings? They’ll never believe it back home,” a large bot asked. “Uh, um… Is this your first time leaving the Energon farm?” the yellow bot asked, earning an elbow from the murder drone. “How did you know?” the large bot asked. “Looks like the tall race found two new friends. One’s a total show-off and the other’s a beautiful Drone!” the green bot laughed with the orange robot. “Him? What?! No… No! He’s not my friend! Well except the Drone’s,” the yellow bot stammered. The bot walked over and picked him up. “Not yet, buddy. Give him time,” he says the big bot.