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Hello:3 Im Alex! Yes I actually have a nickname Alex...
Anyways... Enjoy!

Alex's POV

Ever since my family died in that car crash, I have been depressed. I have been self harming ever since. I hated the feeling I got when I couldnt get to see them. The ones I loved where gone. Luckily I still have my friends that I love dearest.

"Alex? Aleexxxxx. Heelloooo" I then saw a hand go in front of my face waving up and down, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Wha? Huh? Oh. Sorry. Thank you guys for watching, go subscribe to Johnnie. The link will be in the description annnddd.... Eat lettuce, stay in school, and dont do drugs. Byyee!" I turned the camera off. I then took my laptop in my room to edit. I opened my door and cold air hit my face and a shiver went down my spin. It took an hour to edit until I finally uploaded it to the internet. It wasnt long before I started getting hate in the comments about Kohnnie shit. I sighed and closed the laptop. No one really watches the video for both of us. They just watch it for Johnnie. Its like Im not even a member of MDE. I cant change things if I wanna. All I can do is ignor it.

The Next Morning

"ALEX GET THE FUCK UP!" I heard a cracking, screaming voice outside my door. I didnt wanna get up. I was too sleepy today. So I didnt get up.

It was Johnnie obviously.

"JORDAN IS COMING OVER!" Thats when I jumped out of bed and ran out side to see Johnnie jumping up and down outside my door.

"R-REALLY?!" I loved Jordan. Not in that kind of way. As a friend. He's always a great friend. He's always nice to me and listens to my problems. And well, the same goes to Johnnie. Im just excited to see him. I havent seen him in for ever.

"YES REALLY. HE'LL BE HERE IN LIKE THREE HOURS" Johnnie yelled back. Even though we where right beside each other we still screamed. We always played around. It was just normal for us I guess.

I realised that I just woke up and my hair isnt done. Nor my make-up.

I covered my face with my hands and looked down squealing. I then ran into the bathroom to do my makeup as fast as possible. I dont like anyone seeing me without makeup on.

I was hideous without makeup on.

And I actually think I kind of.... Like Johnnie?

Johnnie's POV

What was that all about?

I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Whats wrong?" I asked putting my ear up to the door. I heard plastic hitting against each other loadly. She was shuffling through her makeup bag.

"I dont have makeup on. Ill be out in a sec" I heard her reply. I sighed. I thought she was beatiful with or without makeup.

I walked downstairs to make a poptart for breakfast. Might as well make Alex one too.

I was scared I was gonna burn down the apartment down because Bryan went to pick up Jordan. Like I said he wont be back until three hours or so.

After I finished my poptart and I have been scrolling through Instagram for a while, Alex came downstairs. I glanced at her. She was wearing her normal-day outfit. A Ghost Town t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, a black and red throw-over shirt with diffrent socks. One yellow and one green. I had to say, she looked hot.
I started blushing then turned back to the laptop covering my face with my hair. Well, tried at least.

Should I make a Part two? Are you enjoying it so far? Comment?
Sorry. Just In really excited about this book>°<

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