When renowned sleuth Siya delves into the murder of business, Leo Carter Brown, she uncovers a labyrinthine web of deceit, vengeance, and family secrets. Her investigation takes a personal turn as she discovers her best friend, Jesse, is Brown's long-lost princess daughter, driven by a burning desire for revenge.
As Siya navigates the treacherous landscape, she exposes a trail of bodies and betrayals. Jesse's quest for justice morphs into a ruthless campaign, claiming the lives of Brown family members and entangling her with Jayden Haze Esse's daughter, a cunning spy. Their unlikely alliance ends in shocking bloodshed.
Just as Siya thinks she's unraveled the truth, a stunning revelation upends the case: Leo Brown, presumed dead, is alive, and his look-alike was the victim. Siya must confront the dark forces driving Jesse's transformation and the true masterminds behind the Brown empire's downfall.
A/N - has this sparked up any curiousity let me know!
Unexpected Victims
Mystery / ThrillerSometimes truth is shivering behind the red curtain...but lie performs in front of it...the audience enjoy being certain...but truth reveals it's shivering self.... bitterness then shines through....the war then begins ..... To see who wins....lie i...