Liam's Home

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The car ride to Liam's apartment was so thick with awkwardness that I'm quite certain it could be cut with a knife. Liam and I just stared straight ahead at the windshield till he, yet again, broke the silence.

"Soooo," he drew out the 'o'. "This is the weirdest circumstance I've ever had picking up a girl."

I chuckled "You? Mr. Tall, Dark, and hides in coffee shops during the early hours?"
"What makes you think I was hiding?" He questions, sounding intrigued.

I scoffed. "You just give away who you are by the whole aura thing you've got going on here."
Liam tilted his head forward and motioned with his left hand to continue.

"Okay, so you have the beginning of smile creases by your eyes, making me think you have a good time. There are also creases on your forehead, implying that you worry often as well. Your outfit included sunglasses, and at one, now almost two in the morning, if you're wearing sunglasses it means you're either drunk, hiding, or a complete asshole.
From our conversation it makes me think you're fleeing your problems out on your own because it's your personal life that's the matter and you're a control freak to the degree that you feel responsible," I analyse, studying him.
"Plus, you agreed to take home a stranger, so life can't be that scotch free."

He scratched the back of his head and made an audible sigh. "Your powers of deduction are impress Mr.Holmes."
The car was filled with silence for only a moment till I malfunctioned for the 2nd time this morning.
My laughter rang through the car, issuing a full body response of tears forming in my eyes and my cheeks turning red.
There's a point you reach in exhaustion where you enter hysterics and I very much think I'm nearing the point.

Abruptly the car came to a stop, causing me to fling my hand to steady myself with the dashboard. "Whoa, there cowboy," I groan. "Chill out with that break pedal."

"Welcome to my humble abode," Liam offers non-apologetically.

We both stepped out of his car and approached the large clean-cut house a few feet in front of us. It reminding me of the Marriott I was at only a few hours earlier with the expensive decor and furnishings.
Huh. He didn't look a whole lot older than me and he could afford all this?
Whatever the answer is, hot damn, I took the right keys.

Liam put a finger to his lips, motioning for me to follow him. He guided me through an open kitchen-living room area and up a set of un carpeted stairs. At the top of the stairs was a lengthy hallway with, what seemed like, a myriad of doors scattered down it. About five doors in he sarcastically waved for me to proceed in.

Inside the room was a Queen sized bed against the center of the left wall. A double door entrance was to the right and various pieces of art and posters covered the walls. "Sorry about the sneaking," Liam shrugged "One of my flatmates doesn't like to be woken up."

Ah, flatmates. That explains the luxurious lifestyle. One of them must come from a well to do family. This makes me feel a little less inadequate. Who're your flatmates?" I inquire.

Liam was over at the bed now, grabbing the pillows off the right side. "Three mates I work with." He squared down beside the bed and started looking underneath it.
"There was another one, but he decided to take a different path." He sounded slightly sad about this, but by his tone of voice he seemed happy for his friend. Almost envious.

Liam emerged with a few blankets and went over next to the heater, laying them down and tossing the pillows over top them. The next thing he did was take off his shirt, something, while I know he didn't do for my benefit, I appreciated. On his well muscled chest and arms were tattoos I hadn't noticed earlier.

"What's up with the tattoos, coffee-shop-boy?"
Liam cracked a smile "What's up with the lasagna in your hair, classy?"

And on that note, I left and took a shower.

The clean, hot water felt great on my tired muscles as I washed off the grime of travel. It made me forget about my difficult first hours in London until I realized that I didn't put my luggage inside Liam's car.
Damn it.

Once I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped a bath towel around me. Since Liam was sleeping on the floor, it didn't seem like too big of an issue to sleep in a towel. A group of well living 20 something males shouldn't have had difficulty bringing women home. Odds are something had to have been left behind. Tomorrow I'll wear what's been left here and go to a department store for some business attire.

With my game plan set, I hastily trotted to the bed, freezing. I had drastically under estimated how cold England could get by September. Ritualistically, I leaned over to the bedside table and found that the alarm clock was already set to 6:26; two hours before work starts. Convenient. Soon enough I warmed up under the covers and faded off into a cozy sleep.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A snickering voice tugs me out of my short sleep. My eyes flicker open and my face is an inch away from another face!
"AGHHHHH!" I shriek, grabbing the duvet and pushing myself backwards, almost off the bed.
Liam springs up, his head looking each direction.
The source of the snickering voice bends over laughing. I quickly pull the duvet up to cover my chest.

"Haaarry," Liam groans. "You pervert, nothing's going on."

"If nothing's going on, then why were you two snuggled close with her boobies showing!"

I probably should have commandeered some clothes last night.

Authors Note: Hey guys! Thanks for the support on the story. I'm gonna make my chapters roughly 1000 words each (give or take 200 words)
I'm also gonna update every 1-3 days, depending both on my creativeness and also on the reads/ comments for the story. ( I love your comments!)
Riley's pretty sassy huh? We're just beginning to get into the full cast of the story, like Harry...oh Harry.
In the next chapter, Riley will learn who Liam and his flatmates are and who she is to them.
Question of the Chapter:
Who do you think the next one direction member she meets should be? Louis or Niall?

Challenge": I'm trying to get this story more widely known. It's a dream of mind to have a story where there are hundreds of commenters and readers, and I have faith that this story could be the one to succeed that dream. Whoever gets the most followers to read the story gets a character named after them! Oh and because I'm pumped about this, I'm going to update tomorrow (18th birthday *hoot hoot*)!

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