"I love you, Mary-Kate."

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"Y'know, for someone who hates people, islands, and doin' stuff, I made it pretty far this time! And if I could do it all over again," The camera cuts to the confessional. "There's nothing I'd change! Except maybe not coming here at all!" The camera cuts back to the dock where MK and Julia stand face to face.

"Uh, you're not mad at me.. are you?"

"You're an evil, backstabbing monster.. of course I'm not mad at you!"

"Aww! You're awful too!"

"Game recognizes game! Now go win that million bucks!"

"Okay, I promise to share some of the money with you if I win!"

"Aww! I wouldn't do that for you."

"I know, I'm lying. I would never do that."

Julia and MK embrace in a tight hug, while both reminiscing of the past episodes and how they'd gotten along so well. Realistically, they were just shit-talking the remaining contestants, plus some eliminated ones.

Julia didn't feel MK's hands on her waist anymore. Julia opened her eyes to find MK picked off by the drone and flying away. All while before saying, "Can't this thing go any faster?!" Then MK flew away to the point where if MK said anything, Julia wouldn't be able to hear it.

Julia walks back to her cabin while the camera pans to Chris, recording the outro of the episode.

She walks in to find MK's bag from when she first brought it to the island from her arrival. Julia hadn't seen her when MK first arrived since Julia was last to approach the island.

She did see Scary Girl's belongings too, but MK and Julia didn't pay much mind, other than the occasional mention of the fact.

Now that MK was gone, Julia knew she needed to look in the bag. It would likely be consisted of stolen items, possibly her unicorn? Julia hadn't even know MK had one until Zee mentioned it in episode eight.

Whatever. That didn't matter right now. All that mattered was.. this.

Julia walked over to MK's bunk and sat down. Before Julia opened the bag, she was thinking of the possibilities that could be waiting for her inside that bag. What if it was drugs that MK somehow managed to get her thieving hands on? What if it was a knife? Or anything illegal in that matter? Julia tried to think realistically and thought that it would just be stolen property from other contestants on the island.

"Come on, Julia. It can't be THAT bad.. right?"

Julia opened the bag to find.. mostly of what she expected. Stolen products from other contestants. Theodore was also in there, wonder why MK never actually slept with him on the island, Julia thought whilst holding the stuffed animal.

There was some papers that weren't too important, at least for Julia. There was one letter from MK's parents to her. Julia decided she'll read it later when she had more time, since it felt incredibly long.

There was one paper that caught Julia's attention. It said it was addressed to.. Julia? Julia was confused on why MK never gave the note. Realistically, MK forgot, but there's still a possibility for something else.

Julia read the letter.
To: Julia <3
From: Your friend, MK.

I know it's stupid that I can't put my feelings into audible words, but at least you'll be able to see them.

Julia, I love you and nothing will ever change that. Even if you friend zone me, I'll still love you if you change your mind. Even if that'll realistically never happen. I hope you respond to me soon, because I can't wait any longer to hold these feelings I have for you. I've loved you since the end of season one. Just thought that this season would be the one. Maybe it isn't. Who knows? It depends on your response. If you like to continue being friends, then I'll stick with our friendship. If you want something more, then I will love you like you love me. If you don't like girls like that, I understand. Just promise that our friendship will stay the same regardless.

I love you, Julia.

Love, Mary-Kate.
"I.. I love you too, Mary-Kate."

Julia shed a tear. She would not see MK again until she gets eliminated or if she makes it to the finals, then she'd see MK there. Right?

Julia couldn't sleep that night. Thank you, MK.

"I love you, Mary-Kate, and nothing will ever change that."
The End.

For right now. :)

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