𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠

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we were all sitting at our normal lunch table- me, johnny, gibsie, claire, katie, patrick, hughie and lizzie. the usual banter filled the air but my eyes were someplace else.

on him.

with her.

i kept glancing over at the end of the table where toby, my boyfriend, sat extremely close to some blonde bitch.

who i didn't know the name of and more specifically didn't want to know the name of.

"you alright chicky?" the familiar voice of claire biggs snapped me out of whatever trance i was in, "all good claire bear." i answered with a smile on my face. despite the skeptical look my bubbly blonde haired friend was giving me, she didn't push.

it was just the way she was, as much as she wanted to ask questions, know the reasons, she never pushed.

it was something i admired about her.

claire was the little sister i never had, well at-least that's how i saw it in my eyes. from the moment we met, i immediately took her under my wing and vowed to myself to never let anything or anyone hurt her.

she was the sweetest girl to walk the streets of cork if you asked. if you searched up the sun, i was 99.% sure pictures of claire biggs would show up.

"what an asshole." johnny mumbled under his breath, or at least attempted to.

to which he failed miserably.

but i couldn't even argue with him, because he was right.

"who even is that?" patrick then asked from his spot beside me. i quickly noticed that my whole friend group was staring at the other end of the table like a bunch of stalkers.

"no idea." i mumbled.

"a skank, clearly." lizzie said as she was shooting daggers at her.

before i could say anything, gibsie sighed before saying, "princess, i love ya but come on. the lads a prick."

"i've tried to tell her gibs." johnny piped up, immediately causing me to look up from the table, "don't talk about me like i'm not here."

"i was just saying the truth." my brother shrugged it off like it was nothing.

it fucking irritated me. the way he thought he knew everything about my relationship when he knows nothing.

he dated bella wilkinson for fucks sake.

i shoved my chair backwards, the chair scraping loudly against the floor but i couldn't of cared less.

i could hear my name being shouted as i walked away but i didn't bother turning around. i slammed the toilets door open, silently thanking god that no one else was in here.

my hands gripped the sides of the sink as i stared at my reflection.


the door then swung open and claire walked in with sympathy written all over her face.

"i don't need your pity claire." i said a little more hardly than i intended to but all i wanted in this moment was to be alone and get my emotions in check.

"i wasn't going to pity you, i was going to let you talk about whatever's got you riled up."

i sighed before meeting her concerned gaze, "you wanna know what i'm most annoyed about? i'm not even jealous! i'm more irritated but not one ounce of my body is filled with jealousy of seeing my boyfriend with another girl when i should be, right?"

god i got right to the fucking point.

claire stared at me, i could see she was trying to figure out what to say to my mini outburst.

"maybe you don't love him as much as you think you do." she shrugged.

the words hit me like a bag of rocks.

was she right?

no, she couldn't be.

could she?

"i do love toby." i managed to mumble out, now avoiding any eye contact with my bubbly blonde friend as i knew she'd read me like a book.

and see me as pathetic.

"i never said you didn't lex." she softly smiled, a smile which meant she knew. but she wouldn't push.

i let out a sigh and ran my hands through my hair, "boys are so confusing, they ruin everything." i laughed.

"not all boys, just toby." she said walking closer to me and linking her arm with mine.

"just toby." i mumbled.

but my head had another boy in mind, a certain blonde boy who had walked me home.

authors note -

also if you wanna see more of lexie from johnnys pov go read 'chasing 13' by castlescrumblingdown aka my fav girl ever.
don't be a silent reader !!

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