Sick (Minimon )

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In a quiet apartment, Namjoon lay weakly in bed, his breathing shallow and body trembling with fever.
He had been ill for days, his once-strong frame now fragile and drained. Hoseok sat beside him, holding his hand, his eyes filled with worry. Despite the situation, Namjoon still managed to give him a soft smile, though it barely reached his lips.

Jimin entered the room, his cold, calculating expression softening at the sight of Namjoon. The Mafia King was usually known for his ruthlessness, but with Namjoon, he was different. Namjoon had captured his heart in a way that left him vulnerable, and seeing him so sick stirred something protective in Jimin’s chest.

He set down the medicine and warm soup he had prepared. "You need to rest and take your medicine," Jimin said, his voice unusually gentle as he sat on the edge of the bed. He brushed a few strands of hair from Namjoon's forehead, his fingers lingering longer than necessary, as if reassuring himself that Namjoon was still there

Namjoon groaned softly, his body aching. "I hate being this weak," he whispered, his voice hoarse. Hoseok squeezed his hand gently, giving him a comforting look. "You don’t need to be strong all the time, Joonie. We're here for you."

Jimin's eyes flickered with something unreadable as he helped Namjoon sit up slightly, holding a glass of water to his lips. "Hoseok is right," he murmured, his voice low. "Let me take care of you."

Namjoon sipped the water, his gaze flickering between the two men. He had never been one to let others see his vulnerable side, but with Hoseok and Jimin, he found it harder to hide. They were both so protective, so willing to give him whatever he needed. It was overwhelming, but also comforting in a way he couldn’t fully explain.

Jimin set the glass aside and gently coaxed Namjoon to eat a few spoonfuls of soup. Namjoon leaned into Jimin’s touch, his exhaustion taking over. Hoseok watched with a small smile, feeling reassured by Jimin’s quiet determination to nurse Namjoon back to health.

As Namjoon dozed off, his body finally relaxing, Jimin glanced at Hoseok. "He'll be okay," Jimin said, his voice firm, but there was a softness in his eyes. Hoseok nodded, knowing that in Jimin's care, Namjoon was in safe hands.

Jimin sat back, watching over Namjoon with a rare tenderness in his gaze, silently vowing to protect him, no matter the cost.


Bye lovelies 👋 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13 ⏰

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