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Whitestar- small white she-cat with green eyes

Fireclaw- Golden tabby Tom with amber eyes

Medicine cat
Leaftail- Gray tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes   Apprentice: Adderpaw- Dark ginger Tom with green eyes

Warriors (Toms and she-cats without kits)
Mudpelt -brown Tom with amber eyes

Rustclaw-red Tom with amber eyes

Leapwing- light gray she-cat with green eyes

Spiketooth- dark gray Tom with a tooth sticking out of his top jaw

Eaglewing- dark brown she-cat with white muzzle

Whiteears-black she-cat with white chest, paws, muzzle, and ears.

Frogtail- small tan tabby Tom with stubby tail and large green eyes (mentor to Snakepaw)

Sunfur- yellow she-cat with gold eyes

Flowerpetal -  brown she-cat with bright amber eyes

Pounceclaw- brown tom with white muzzle and paws (mentor to Brightpaw)

Snowheart- white she-cat with blue eyes

Wolffang- light gray tabby with white chest and tail tip (mentor to Stonepaw )

Lionfur- golden tabby tom with amber eyes (father of Misyfur's kits, Wishkit and Lightkit)


Snakepaw- brown tom with dark green eyes

Brightpaw- white calico she-cat with gold eyes

Stonepaw- light gray tom with blue eyes

Bonepaw- handsome white tom with dark blue eyes


Mistyfur - light gray she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Wishkit - white she-kit with blue eyes, and Lightkit- dark gray she-kit with one white paw)


Rainfur- blue-gray tom with dark blue eyes

Dustfur- big tabby tom with amber eyes- oldest elder


Fieldstar- old tan tom with green eyes

Daisywing- cream colored she-cat with big green eyes

Medicine cat  
Grass heart- yellow she-cat with big green eyes

Moorclaw- tan tabby tom with green eyes

Opalheart- brown she-cat with amber eyes (mentor to wildpaw)

Sunfur- yellow she-cat with amber eyes

Lightpelt- white she-cat with blue eyes

Flickertail-young ginger she-cat with green eyes

Crowwing- gray tabby tom with blue eyes

Birdfeather- blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes

Wildpaw- light brown tom with green eyes

Bunnyflight- tan she-cat with green eyes (mother too Flykit- a gray tabby tom, and Rabbitkit- a tan tabby tom with green eyes)

Flapwing- gray tabby tom with amber eyes


Splashstar- blue-gray she-cat

Waveclaw- gray tom with blue eyes

Medicine cat 
Reedheart- wise she-cat with green eyes

Mousewing- brown tabby tom

Troutclaw- tan tom with green eyes

Fishflight-silver she-cat with big blue eyes

Minnowheart- white she-cat with blue eyes

Creampaw- cream-colored she-cat with blue eyes

Winterpaw- small white tom with Dark blue eyes

Darkwing- black tom with white paws and chest

Cats outside the clans

Sarabi- Orange tabby she-cat with white chest, paws, and muzzle with one green eye and one blue eye and a kinked tail tip

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