Get A Life!

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Chapter 4

Atlantis's point of view

It occurred to me that day, I needed to start working on getting a place to live. Living in a hotel wasn't exactly ideal, so I decided to go job hunting. Firstly, though, I'd need to write a resume. Writing a resume was hard, after all, I didn't remember who I was or even anything I'd ever done in life. I was honestly stuck the entire time. It was tormenting, but I finished it up eventually. My resume was pretty bland and short but it would have to do.

I spent that day submitting my resume around town. I stayed in South Fordam, not daring to apply for any jobs outside of the area. The one job I heard back from a week later was a restaurant. A popular one at that. Great. This was going to be so much fun. The next seven days would be pure torture, ranging from intolerable Karen's all the way to cleaning throw up. Saturday was the day that really had me pulling my hair out, though. It was an understaffed day. There were only like four people there, besides me.

The other employees went to see the parade up the street. Not surprisingly, there were a ton of customers there, and very few workers. That day was easily rendered a disaster from the very beginning. But it got much much worse. First, some lady came in with a dog. I figured it was a service pet and let it be. Nope. Completely unlicensed, off leash dog! And it had scurried away and bothered a customer across the room.

Great, just what I needed. I asked the customer to remove the dog from the restaurant. I spoke simply and politely. The bright young woman's response was, "Excuse me? Do you know who I am?"

", I don't," I laughed nervously, "Please leave."

"Well, I'll call the police then!" She responded. At that point I was just laughing.

"I'm sorry, what?" I laughed. The lady was immediately embarrassed and stormed out, "Yeah get your goofy ass out of here," I chuckled quietly once she was out of earshot.

My coworker came up to me a few moments later.

"Hey, you do realize who that was, right?" he asked.

"No dude," I said, my focus mostly on finding the order I was to serve to table five.

"That was Ryana Maldondo. Huge influencer right now, she's a really important sponsor since her followers are... well...they're followers. That's why this place has been so popular lately, she hypes it up," he explained with a simple shrug, to which my mouth fell agape.

"...huh?" I said nervously.

"Yeah man," he said, rubbing the back of his neck, "nice workin' with you."

"God," I facepalmed, "shouldn't they have to warn us when someone like that is gonna come in?"

"She didn't have a reservation, no one knew she was coming," He said before going to work in the kitchen. I stood there for a second in utter shock. I looked at the ground. Well, week one, already probably going to lose my job.

Next, I served the parent and son at the table in the back. I was notified that it was the son's birthday.

As I spoke to the mother, she was polite, at first.

That was until I told her we couldn't do the song we usually did for birthdays, the one that helped the restaurant go viral. She was pretty upset. The son didn't really care though.

"Are you serious? That's the whole reason we came, I mean, my son wanted to see it!" She said. I continued to apologize.

"Again, so sorry. I could sing to you, but the rest of the staff is quite busy," I said, my hands clasped in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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