my superior was very angry at me after the last incident in which i complained thiugh it had no effect on his post he was determine to punish me
later there was a board meeting for a new mission it had my superior and other members as well
superior: swathi u have a new assignment to arrest a drug mafia name jamal
me:ok sir, how do i do it?
member 1: you have to go as a new servant and spy him and get info
superior: you might have to seduce him, he is womanizer
i understood why i got this job it was all my superiors work to get revenge on me
they then explain about jamal
they showed jamals picture
member 2: jamal is a big drug seller but we dodnt know who his boss is we want you to find it out, his big weakness is girls he will do anything to touch a girls navel
jamal has 2 wifes
1.shashi: the first wife, the modern dress girl
shashi and jamal really like each other he loves her fully
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shashi parents took money from jamal but they couldnt return it instead shashi was forced to marry jamal but later she fell in love with him after looking at how handsome he was
jamal doesnt let anyone else touch shashi, she is very important to him
2. surekha reddy : the second wife, the village girl
surekha reddy is shashi own elder sister
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after marrying shashi he started having lust on surekha reddy and wanted her for her village look
she begged shashi and later married surekha reddy
but after their marriage shashi and surekha dont like each other that much
there is a twist to surekha, unlike shashi, surekha is is even enjoyed my the boss and not only jamals property
surekha did nto know it until marriage but after marriage she is both wife for boss and jamal
even in jamals and surekha first night the boss had spent the night with surekha instead of jamal
so we need info from surekha for finding the boss
3. uma: affair
uma is shashi cousin though she is not interested in jamal but she is a drug addict
she offeres her navel to jamal and in return jamal gives drugs for free
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this is all of jamals history rest you have to find out swathi