Chapter 1, Part 1 - Keaton

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I looked around and the only thing I could see was the clear sky. It was bright, and I had to close my eyes. I let my hands travel through the soft grass underneath me. I wonder what time it is? I sat up and looked at my watch-kind-of device. I had been laying down for several hours, and I surely was late from wherever I was supposed to be. I quickly sat up and held my head as the brightness of the sky had caused me a headache. Maybe I had a sunstroke, who knows.

I stood up and prepared my wings for flying. I'd rather walk as I hated being in a hurry, but I didn't want to be any later than I already was. But where was I going again? Can't remember. Maybe someone I know will tell me. I raised my wings and flapped them around for a bit. Ah, the wind underneath felt so free, so calling. But guess who had fallen asleep and therefore couldn't have any fun anymore. He was late. Good boy, Keaton. I jumped up and began to fly towards the busy city of Avant Heim. Everyone seemed so ignorant towards one another, and none of them seemed to give any thought to anything else but themselves. That's how life was down here in the capital city. So boring, so competitive. "Keaton! Why aren't you at the Meeting Hall yet? I'm pretty sure you were supposed to be there hours ago!" I heard a familiar voice yell behind me. Who's voice was it again? Ah, yes, now I remember! This must be the someone I know who I wished to tell me where I was going! I turned around and recognized the one who had called me - it was the daughter of the man who made me my mask. I never actually cared about either of those people, but they seemed to want to stay in contact with me. Thankfully I mostly spent my time hiding from the world, so I rarely came across them. Or anyone."Oh, really? I forgot. Maybe I'll just go there right now," I responded, trying to sound as innocent as I could. I saw from the girl's face that she could see right through me. She gave me a mad stare and grabbed my hand."I'll make sure you go. You're important to this city, they need you," she upbraided as we flew towards a gigantic building in the middle of the city. I was guided in, and you can probably tell how mad everyone was as I was an hour late.Thankfully the meeting was almost over, and after discussing about something important, I can't remember what as I wasn't paying attention, and then they allowed me to leave. After nagging for five minutes that is.

But then, finally I was free. Or I hoped so anyways, I didn't know if I had anything else planned for today. Well, if I forgot, it obviously isn't important. I raised my wings and captured a breeze that guided me far away from the boring concrete jungle to a wide, open world calling for my name to explore it and make it mine. Not this time, I thought. This time I had something else planned. It was a meeting, but unlike other meetings I could actually enjoy this one. Maybe... I wasn't sure. I flew past multiple "Stay away!" and "Danger!" signs, and then I found my way into a dark, unused path hidden by trees and bushes. I landed down and walked along the path for quite some time until I found myself from a tiny area in the middle of nowhere, where a small lake kept all the plants alive with it's fresh and clean water. I kneeled down to take a sip of the water, and suddenly I was greeted by light steps walking towards me. Who did they belong again? Can't remember. I turned around to greet the comer. 

"Hello there!" I said and smiled. 


Holy crap this was way shorter than I expected! I hope you enjoy the first part of this new collaboration book, and be sure to read the next one on _anime_fanfictions_'s account!

Ok I'll shut up now.

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