16. Peck

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Little pecks are like tiny kisses, full of affection and tenderness
~ Unknown

Author POV

(Imperium hotel)

They reached in front of the Imperium hotel after almost 1.5 hours of driving car

They didn't had any conversation through out the journey but only glances at each other.

Amelia eating her meal and him taking glances of how she was eating though she was finding it difficulty to finish them all

When Amelia saw him stopping in front of a big hotel she got more anxious than before wondering what would he do now.

He came out of the door, a staff of the hotel gave him another paper bag.

Edward opened the car door for her, as she took out her bare foot he caught her foot to stop it from touching the ground which confused Amelia

He putted her on the shoe which was kept in the bag and tied her shoe lace. It perfectly fit her foot

She came down and started walking while he was trying to hold her hand but she didn't let him to

"Is the shoe comfortable?" He asked

"Yeah" she replied while looking atbthe show

"Follow me" he ordered her and she nodded her head as yes

He was walking inside the hotel while she was looking around the beautiful decorated big hotel.

There were nobody except few staff. He took room cards from the manager and walk to the lift after taking Amelia shoulder bag from a man

Her heart was beating fastly as she was really nervous. They came out on 6th floor, she continued to follow him while looking at the paintings hanged on the wall.

Not knowing he already stopped, she hit against his chest so he caught her hand and pulled her against his chest to balance her

"Are these looking more good than me?" He asked her curiously

"Huh??" She didn't understand his question and freed herself from his grab

He gave her a room card which she looked at confusingly

"Your room is this one" he pointed at room no. 602

"So you wouldnt stay here?" She asked happily

"Look at how happy you are now" he said while narrowing his eyes

Amelia cleared her throat and denying it

He gave her shoulder bag back to her
"I will be in the opposite room" he said while pointing at room no. 601

"Now go inside and sleep it's already very late you have to go to your University too right?" He said and waiting for her to go inside

"Yeah!" She agreed and tried to open the door of room no. 602
She tried to turn the door knob but it was not opening
Edward was confused of what she was doing

"It's not opening.. (trying) it's locked, where is the room key??" She asked while trying to open the door

Edward stand beside her and pointed at her room card "that in your hand is the room card"

"Room card??" She asked confusingly looking at the white card

He took the card from her hand and opened the door, when he kept the card on the sensor all the lights lit up making her impressed

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