My Life

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"Grace honey get up we have church today!" My mom yells up the stairs in her sweet voice. I jump up excited for church. I throw the cover off of me and walk to my closet. I walk in and pick out a white long sleeved fancy shirt and some blue cuprease I the put on my black lacy bobs and run down stairs to eat.

"Finally your up." My dad says then chuckles. I pour some milk in a bowl of cereal mad for me and sit down at the table with everyone else. We all have a conversation about what my dad is gonna preach about to do.
And before you ask yes my dad is a preacher yes we are a rich christian family,but its not like normal christian families. We have our problems everyone does.

I run back up the stairs and turn on my straightner then pull out my makeup bag. I set it down on my bathroom counter and grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth.
I then pull out concealer and foundation and apply them both to my skin. I curl my eyelashes then put tan eye-shadow in the crease of my eyelids, then I wing liquid eyeliner, and apply mascara. As Im finished I touch my straighner to see how hot it is. I wave my hair then part it through the middle and grab to sides of my hair and brade them both back.

"Grace were leaving!" My dad yells up the stairs and I grab my phone and run down the stairs as my dad shuts the front for. I get in the back seat along with my brother as my dad gets in the driver side and my mom gets in the passenger side.

"Grace how have you been?" The youth pastor asks me.
The youth pastor name is Michale, tall,dirty blonde hair,striking style,glasses,rich,kind of cute for 26. He has a wife,Mindy,black hair,pale skin,short,skinny,beautiful, and very nice.

"I'm good Michale, how are you?" I ask shooting him a smile.

"I'm good thank-you for asking Grace." I laugh at our weird conversation.

"Ladies gentleman please take your seats." My dad says from the pier smiling at everyone.
We all find our way to our seats and sit. I sit beside my mom and brother in-between the two. We listen to my dad preach as the time goes by.

We all stand up as my dad finishes. I notice a girl sitting in the back of the room and ask my mom who she is. My mom doesn't know and tells me I should go introduce myself so I do as I'm told. I walk to the girl who is dressed in black leather skinny jeans, a white t-shirt,and a dark green jacket,and her long blonde hair is waved.

"Hi!" I say to her with the biggest smile I can put on my face. She looks up slowly and I see that she has very little makeup just liquid foundation, winged liquid eyeliner, and dark purple lipstick to match. It all went great with her pale complection. She was beautiful.

"Hi" she says in a soft voice.

"I'm Grace," I tell her

"I'm Kellie." She states.

"Welcome to New York," I say smiling.

"Thanks," she says then I hear my mom calling for me.

"Well I have to go wanna exchange numbers?" I ask her pulling out my phone. She pulls out hers and hands it to me.

"Sure," she says andi hand her mine. We put our numbers in each others phones then I smile at her, wave,then leave.

"Who were you talking to?" My dad asks me.

"The new girl," I say smiling, "she's very nice!" I add.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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