How it all started

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One evening this girl caught harris attention, her name was ximena, they became good friends, until this one night ximena took things a bit far, she had kissed harris, they had fallen in love, theyd always hang out everyday 3-8pm, however they were never dating, so harris thought that it be a good idea to ask her the big question at  her house, he went in and heard noises upstairs, he sneakily went up because he thought her parents were making business, until then he saw his best friend, kayden kissing ximena and making out with her, this got harris mad, harris went down stairs, went to the garage and got a chainsaw, went up and turned it on, and then kayden and ximena were screaming then harris killed kayden, and harris then said to ximena "i loved you" then ximena said "WELL I DONT I HATE HATE HATE YOU" then harris out of anger dropped the chainsaw and smashed her head with his bare hands. harris looked at the messed he caused and said to him self, "what have i done"

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